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Tag: Regulation

Mo’ data, mo’ problems: Data retention rears ugly head in U.S. surveillance reform debate

25 Jun 2014

Amongst the dangers faced by the USA FREEDOM Act—the surveillance reform legislation in the U.S. most likely to pass—as it moves from the House to the Senate, is the introduction of a mandatory data retention requirement.

Mo’ data, mo’ problems: Data retention rears ugly head in U.S. surveillance reform debate
25 Jun 2014
Mo’ data, mo’ problems: Data retention rears ugly head in U.S. surveillance reform debate

It’s time for the Senate to act to preserve digital rights

25 Jun 2014

Having passed the House of Representatives with overwhelming support, bill heads to the Senate in need of leaders to sponsor important amendments restricting NSA surveillance activities.

It’s time for the Senate to act to preserve digital rights
25 Jun 2014
It’s time for the Senate to act to preserve digital rights

One year after Snowden revelations: What has been done for privacy around the World?

13 Jun 2014

Earlier this week, Simon Davies, the “Privacy Surgeon,” published a global analysis of the impact of the Edward Snowden revelations over the past year. The report, entitled A Crisis of Accountability, demonstrates that, despite many strong and sweeping declarations, the overwhelming majority of the world’s governments have failed to take meaningful action in the wake of the Snowden revelations.

One year after Snowden revelations: What has been done for privacy around the World?
13 Jun 2014
One year after Snowden revelations: What has been done for privacy around the World?

Access intervenes at ECtHR for the right to be anonymous online

13 Jun 2014

Late last week, Access intervened before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights, Europe’s highest human rights court, in the case Delfi AS v. Estonia. At stake in the Delfi case are questions of intermediary liability and whether european websites can continue allowing users to post content freely, anonymously, and without government-mandated censorship.

Access intervenes at ECtHR for the right to be anonymous online
13 Jun 2014
Access intervenes at ECtHR for the right to be anonymous online

The impact of forced data localisation on fundamental rights

4 Jun 2014

Forced data localisation is getting more attention in the aftermath of Edward Snowden’s revelations of mass surveillance. We unpack some of the misconceptions about it and explore the impact on fundamental rights and civil liberties.

The impact of forced data localisation on fundamental rights
4 Jun 2014
The impact of forced data localisation on fundamental rights

RedLatAm: derechos digitales en Latinoamérica

3 Jun 2014

Estamos muy contentos de anunciar que ya está en línea RedLatAm, un mapeo de información relevante sobre regulación, políticas públicas y organizaciones latinoamericanas que trabajan en temas relativos a los derechos digitales en la región.

RedLatAm: derechos digitales en Latinoamérica
3 Jun 2014
RedLatAm: derechos digitales en Latinoamérica

Busting BÜPF: Proposed Swiss surveillance law threatens privacy, sparks protest

30 May 2014

The government of Switzerland has put forward a legislative proposal that would give the government new powers to surveil telecommunications and the internet. These amendments would unnecessarily expand the Swiss surveillance state by beefing up mandatory data retention laws and permitting the government to use spy technology for routine police purposes.

Busting BÜPF: Proposed Swiss surveillance law threatens privacy, sparks protest
30 May 2014
Busting BÜPF: Proposed Swiss surveillance law threatens privacy, sparks protest

European Parliament approves mandatory corporate social responsibility rules

17 Apr 2014

On April 15th, the European Parliament required companies to disclose information on their environmental, labor, and human rights impacts, in addition to financial reports.

European Parliament approves mandatory corporate social responsibility rules
17 Apr 2014
European Parliament approves mandatory corporate social responsibility rules

How the NSA reform proposals stack up

10 Apr 2014

In the wake of the ongoing revelations about NSA surveillance, Access releases an infographic measuring how the leading four reform proposals stack up against the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance.

How the NSA reform proposals stack up
10 Apr 2014
How the NSA reform proposals stack up

Access and partners demand DHS investigate GoDaddy domain takedown

9 Apr 2014

Today, Access and our partners sent a letter demanding an immediate investigation into what appears to be U.S. government complicity in silencing political speech in Mexico.

Access and partners demand DHS investigate GoDaddy domain takedown
9 Apr 2014
Access and partners demand DHS investigate GoDaddy domain takedown