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Tag: Regulation


U.S. agrees to develop NAP on business & human rights

30 Sep 2014

The Obama Administration announced on Wednesday, Sept. 24 that it would review and account for the human rights impacts of U.S. businesses.

U.S. agrees to develop NAP on business & human rights
30 Sep 2014
U.S. agrees to develop NAP on business & human rights

Access, Coalition to President: Reform Surveillance Now

2 Sep 2014

Access, joined by members of Congress, former government officials, and dozens of civil society groups and private companies, has urged the Obama Administration to reform surveillance practices under Executive Order 12333, which authorizes mass surveillance by NSA and other intelligence agencies with no meaningful limits.

Access, Coalition to President: Reform Surveillance Now
2 Sep 2014
Access, Coalition to President: Reform Surveillance Now

EU Commission takes note of NGO letter highlighting DRIP’s violations of EU law

22 Aug 2014

This month, the European Commission responded to a letter sent on behalf of 21 digital rights organisations – including Access, Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR), EDRi, Initiative für Netzfreiheit, AKVorrat, and EFF – outlining several violations of E.U. law in the passage of the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act (DRIP) in the United Kingdom.

EU Commission takes note of NGO letter highlighting DRIP’s violations of EU law
22 Aug 2014
EU Commission takes note of NGO letter highlighting DRIP’s violations of EU law

African Union adopts framework on cyber security and data protection

22 Aug 2014

Without much media attention, the heads of state of the African Union (AU) agreed to a landmark convention this summer affecting many aspects of digital life.

African Union adopts framework on cyber security and data protection
22 Aug 2014
African Union adopts framework on cyber security and data protection

One step closer: USA FREEDOM Act moves US toward greater compliance with human rights law

21 Aug 2014

One step closer: USA FREEDOM Act moves US toward greater compliance with human rights law

One step closer: USA FREEDOM Act moves US toward greater compliance with human rights law
21 Aug 2014
One step closer: USA FREEDOM Act moves US toward greater compliance with human rights law

It’s not you, it’s me: committee of cryptographic experts tries to crack NIST/NSA relationship

7 Aug 2014

In response to stories in the New York Times, ProPublica, and the Guardian that the National Security Agency (“NSA”) was undermining encryption standards, The Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology (VCAT) released a report that called for increased transparency and internal expertise at the National Institute for Standards and Technologies (“NIST”). The VCAT reviews and makes recommendations regarding general policy for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The VCAT formed a Committee of Visitors (“COV”) in mid-April to review the relationship between NIST and the NSA.

It’s not you, it’s me: committee of cryptographic experts tries to crack NIST/NSA relationship
7 Aug 2014
It’s not you, it’s me: committee of cryptographic experts tries to crack NIST/NSA relationship

Obama ignores user rights with African investment plan

7 Aug 2014

The U.S. cannot so easily ignore its responsibilities under international law and norms, or turn a blind eye to the activities of its corporations abroad.

Obama ignores user rights with African investment plan
7 Aug 2014
Obama ignores user rights with African investment plan

DRIP: The Commission acknowledges Access’ complaint

6 Aug 2014

Access received a response from the European Commission acknowledging a notification of infringement sent two weeks ago in a letter to Michel Barnier, Commissioner in charge for Enterprise and Industry. The complaint addresses the United Kingdom’s breach of E.U. law through its adoption of the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers (DRIP) on 18 July 2014.

DRIP: The Commission acknowledges Access’ complaint
6 Aug 2014
DRIP: The Commission acknowledges Access’ complaint

Vodafone hears Access calls to go beyond transparency

30 Jul 2014

Speaking at Vodafone’s annual shareholder meeting in London on Tuesday, July 29, Access Senior Policy Counsel Peter Micek challenged the company to take a greater role in stopping government surveillance.

Vodafone hears Access calls to go beyond transparency
30 Jul 2014
Vodafone hears Access calls to go beyond transparency

Update: SMS finally unblocked in Central African Republic

25 Jul 2014

Update: SMS finally unblocked in Central African Republic

Update: SMS finally unblocked in Central African Republic
25 Jul 2014
Update: SMS finally unblocked in Central African Republic