Tag: Reclaim Your Face

Basta de normalizar la vigilancia masiva en América Latina

Stop normalizing mass surveillance in Latin America
Foreign companies are bringing mass surveillance tech to Latin America and the general public seems to think that’s okay. Here’s why it’s not.

Ban biometric surveillance: civil society demands outright prohibitions on public and private use
Ban biometric surveillance! Access Now and over 150 civil society actors across the globe are calling for a ban on biometric surveillance.

Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸
Sign this European Citizens’ Initiative to urge EU lawmakers to put a stop to harmful, discriminatory biometric mass surveillance practices.

Reclaim Your Face: a call for European citizens to demand facial recognition ban
Access Now, EDRi, and the Reclaim Your Face coalition are calling for a Europe-wide ban on the use of dangerous facial recognition technologies. Sign the petition today!