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Tag: racism

An Artificial Intelligence Helped Write This Play. It May Contain Racism

23 Aug 2021
An Artificial Intelligence Helped Write This Play. It May Contain Racism
23 Aug 2021
An Artificial Intelligence Helped Write This Play. It May Contain Racism

Twitter offers more transparency on racist abuse by its users, but few solutions

11 Aug 2021
Twitter offers more transparency on racist abuse by its users, but few solutions
11 Aug 2021
Twitter offers more transparency on racist abuse by its users, but few solutions

Online Anonymity Isn’t Driving Abuse of Black Sports Stars. Systemic Racism Is

21 Jul 2021
Online Anonymity Isn’t Driving Abuse of Black Sports Stars. Systemic Racism Is
21 Jul 2021
Online Anonymity Isn’t Driving Abuse of Black Sports Stars. Systemic Racism Is
Digital rights

To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more

25 Jan 2021

The latest U.N. privacy resolution does not go far enough, missing the opportunity to respond firmly to the human rights threats posed by systemic racism, artificial intelligence, facial recognition technology, and other key technological and social developments.

To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more
25 Jan 2021
To protect privacy in the digital age, world governments can and must do more

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

10 Dec 2020

On Human Rights Day of 2020, we highlight the mandate of E. Tendayi Achiume, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to fight systematic racism.

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge
10 Dec 2020
Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

Pandemics, protests, and power in digital spaces: the 44th U.N. Human Rights Council Session in review

26 Aug 2020

In the context of COVID-19 and a wave of protests across the globe, the U.N. Human Rights Council held its 44th session. Here’s our read-out on the reports and resolutions that are key for defending digital rights around the world.

Pandemics, protests, and power in digital spaces: the 44th U.N. Human Rights Council Session in review
26 Aug 2020
Pandemics, protests, and power in digital spaces: the 44th U.N. Human Rights Council Session in review