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Tag: Pyrawebs

Chile’s “Spy Decree” threatens to make data retention even more dangerous

3 Oct 2017

A new data retention decree in Chile would deepen the existing problems with the law.

Chile’s “Spy Decree” threatens to make data retention even more dangerous
3 Oct 2017
Chile’s “Spy Decree” threatens to make data retention even more dangerous

Pyrawebs: the menacing return of mass surveillance in Paraguay [Espanol / English]

1 Jun 2015

The Paraguayan Senate will vote this week on the data retention bill known as #Pyrawebs. Despite the fact that the bill was previously rejected by the House of Representatives in March after heavy criticism, its proponents are pushing ahead with this privacy-curtailing piece of legislation. | El Senado paraguayo tratará esta semana la iniciativa de retención de datos de tráfico de internet, conocida como #Pyrawebs. Tras el rechazo en la Cámara de Diputados a causa de un amplio descontento social, los senadores proyectistas insisten con un proyecto que viola la privacidad y daña la libre expresión.

Pyrawebs: the menacing return of mass surveillance in Paraguay [Espanol / English]
1 Jun 2015
Pyrawebs: the menacing return of mass surveillance in Paraguay [Espanol / English]