Tag: Protests

Who is shutting down the internet in 2023? A mid-year update
Since the beginning of 2023, governments around the world are discovering new reasons to disrupt internet access during key national moments.

Internet shutdowns in MENA in 2022: continued abuses and impunity
In 2022, authorities across the Middle East and North Africa shutdown the internet 37 times — with Iran hitting the kill switch a staggering 18 times.

Five years in a row: India is 2022’s biggest internet shutdowns offender
In 2022, India shut down the internet at least 84 times — more than any country, for the fifth consecutive year. Read “Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022.”

#KeepItOn in Somaliland: authorities cannot quash public protest and access to information
The #KeepItOn coalition condemns the ongoing internet blackout imposed by authorities in Somaliland amid protests.

#KeepItOn in Sierra Leone: the government must stop wielding internet shutdowns for political control
The #KeepItOn coalition is calling on authorities in Sierra Leone to ensure an open and accessible internet at all times.

Uzbekistan region in information vacuum, authorities must #KeepItOn
Access Now is demanding an end to an information vacuum that is exacerbating social unrest in Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region of Uzbekistan.

At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers
Digital surveillance is threatening the right to protest worldwide. U.N. human rights expert Clément Voule is fighting for strong encryption and tight restrictions on the use of spyware. Here’s why that push is important for human rights lawyers and the activists they represent.

Sheikh Jarrah: Facebook and Twitter systematically silencing protests, deleting evidence
Facebook and Twitter are systematically silencing users protesting and documenting the evictions of Palestinian families from their homes in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem.

Arab Spring: ten years in, how can we reclaim the internet as an open space?
The internet played a pivotal role during the Arab Spring protests. But a decade on, the state of internet freedom in many Arab countries has deteriorated. Join us for a virtual conversation to explore the evolution of the digital space from a tool of mobilization to one of repression.

Podcast: India is now the world leader in internet shutdowns
External link: India has become the global leader in internet shutdowns says Raman Chima, Asia-Pacific Policy Director and Senior International Counsel at Access Now, via “the Wire” podcast.