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Tag: Privacy Act

India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023

3 Nov 2023

Access Now and Tech Global Institute’s submission on Bangladesh’s latest draft of the Data Protection Act, 2023.

Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
3 Nov 2023
Submission on Bangladesh’s draft Data Protection Act, 2023
Australia's privacy laws

Australia’s privacy laws are getting an update — here’s what we recommend

19 Jan 2022

Australians’ privacy hangs in the balance as the government reviews the Privacy Act 1988. Here are the legal changes Australians should fight for.

Australia’s privacy laws are getting an update — here’s what we recommend
19 Jan 2022
Australia’s privacy laws are getting an update — here’s what we recommend

Honoring Fred Korematsu: Why data protection matters for marginalized communities

6 Feb 2019

Korematsu resisted internment under a U.S. WWII policy targeting Japanese Americans, many of whom were identified through census data. We support a bill to honor his legacy.

Honoring Fred Korematsu: Why data protection matters for marginalized communities
6 Feb 2019
Honoring Fred Korematsu: Why data protection matters for marginalized communities

First 100 Days of human rights violations

28 Apr 2017

The first 100 days of the Trump administration have been a disaster for privacy and free expression, with consequences for people all across the globe. Here’s how we’re fighting back.

First 100 Days of human rights violations
28 Apr 2017
First 100 Days of human rights violations