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The bad, the good, and the hopeful on surveillance reform

17 Jan 2018

The U.S. Senate passed — and President Trump has signed into law — a bill that will extend and expand invasive surveillance programs like PRISM and Upstream. But we have reason to be hopeful that this fight is not over.

The bad, the good, and the hopeful on surveillance reform
17 Jan 2018
The bad, the good, and the hopeful on surveillance reform
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Access Now opposes proposal to extend warrantless surveillance

8 Jan 2018
Press Release
Access Now opposes proposal to extend warrantless surveillance
8 Jan 2018
Access Now opposes proposal to extend warrantless surveillance
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What happened with the surveillance bill in the U.S. Congress this week…

21 Dec 2017

Members of the U.S. Congress tried to slip past the goal posts a gross expansion of authority to spy on people online without a warrant. Thanks to supporters like you, that didn’t happen.

What happened with the surveillance bill in the U.S. Congress this week…
21 Dec 2017
What happened with the surveillance bill in the U.S. Congress this week…

Our fall cheat sheet for the U.S. Congress

10 Oct 2017

Here’s how the U.S. should proceed on “cyber” to keep the internet secure.

Our fall cheat sheet for the U.S. Congress
10 Oct 2017
Our fall cheat sheet for the U.S. Congress

First take on Section 702 surveillance reform: progress on human rights, but more is needed

5 Oct 2017

We welcome the effort to reform U.S. surveillance, while urging Congress to strengthen the draft to better protect human rights.

First take on Section 702 surveillance reform: progress on human rights, but more is needed
5 Oct 2017
First take on Section 702 surveillance reform: progress on human rights, but more is needed

Coalition to U.S. intelligence director: No backtracking on surveillance transparency

13 Jun 2017
Press Release
Coalition to U.S. intelligence director: No backtracking on surveillance transparency
13 Jun 2017
Coalition to U.S. intelligence director: No backtracking on surveillance transparency

Ahead of 702 hearing, U.S. senators push to make out-of-control spying powers permanent

6 Jun 2017

The U.S. should make necessary reforms to rein in surveillance authorities, not engage in empty political theater.

Press Release
Ahead of 702 hearing, U.S. senators push to make out-of-control spying powers permanent
6 Jun 2017
Ahead of 702 hearing, U.S. senators push to make out-of-control spying powers permanent

Calling on the U.S. Congress to learn about surveillance. From Batman.

31 May 2017

Access Now calls on the U.S. Congress to learn from Batman and limit invasive surveillance programs.

Calling on the U.S. Congress to learn about surveillance. From Batman.
31 May 2017
Calling on the U.S. Congress to learn about surveillance. From Batman.

Global civil society groups call for reform of US surveillance law Section 702

1 Mar 2017

Europe must suspend the EU-US Privacy Shield data-transfer arrangement unless the US Congress undertakes meaningful reform of surveillance law.

Press Release
Global civil society groups call for reform of US surveillance law Section 702
1 Mar 2017
Global civil society groups call for reform of US surveillance law Section 702

The state of EU-US data transfer, in a tweet

8 Feb 2017

The Privacy Shield was flawed from the beginning and the recent changes in US law and policy only add insult to injury.

The state of EU-US data transfer, in a tweet
8 Feb 2017
The state of EU-US data transfer, in a tweet