Tag: Pegasus

Alto a Pegasus: Costa Rica es el primer país en pedir una moratoria a los softwares de espionaje
Access Now apoya el llamado de Costa Rica a una moratoria global sobre los softwares de espionaje.

Stop Pegasus: Costa Rica is the first country to call for a moratorium on spyware technology
Access Now supports Costa Rica’s call for a global moratorium on spyware technology.

Facing the consequences: Access Now welcomes legal action against NSO Group
Access Now welcomes a lawsuit filed against NSO Group for facilitating unlawful surveillance of French-Palestinian human rights defender, Salah Hammour.

Pegasus El Salvador: Las preguntas que el Estado no respondió frente a la CIDH

Human rights officials call for Pegasus spyware ban at El Salvador hearing

New guide: surveillance technology investors face significant risks if human rights are ignored
A new guide on effective due diligence will help shareholders with investments in surveillance technology prevent and mitigate human rights risks.

Can Pegasus be stopped?

Journalists Are Under Threat in El Salvador. I Know Because I Was Targeted

Unsafe anywhere: attacked by Pegasus, women activists speak out
Front Line Defenders and Access Now’s new report, “Unsafe anywhere: women human rights defenders speak out about Pegasus attacks,” unpacks the first-hand experiences of women navigating an increasingly hostile and dangerous environment.

Unsafe anywhere: women human rights defenders speak out about Pegasus attacks
Access Now and Front Line Defenders reveal the hacking of two women human rights defenders from Bahrain and Jordan using Pegasus spyware.