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Tag: Password for entry

Before DHS secretary confirmation hearing, 50,000 people urge U.S. to reject “password for entry” border policies

7 Nov 2017
Press Release
Before DHS secretary confirmation hearing, 50,000 people urge U.S. to reject “password for entry” border policies
7 Nov 2017
Before DHS secretary confirmation hearing, 50,000 people urge U.S. to reject “password for entry” border policies

Tell Secretary Kelly: No “password-for-entry” at U.S. border

23 Jul 2017

Your voice counts – take action NOW to stop discrimination

Tell Secretary Kelly: No “password-for-entry” at U.S. border
23 Jul 2017
Tell Secretary Kelly: No “password-for-entry” at U.S. border

No passwords at U.S. border, says new “Fly Don’t Spy” coalition

18 Apr 2017

Coalition says NO to “extreme vetting” that includes password-for-entry proposal.

Press Release
No passwords at U.S. border, says new “Fly Don’t Spy” coalition
18 Apr 2017
No passwords at U.S. border, says new “Fly Don’t Spy” coalition

Human rights groups ask United Nations to investigate U.S. border policies

16 Feb 2017

Searching digital devices and compelling travelers to hand over social media passwords is a violation of international human rights.

Press Release
Human rights groups ask United Nations to investigate U.S. border policies
16 Feb 2017
Human rights groups ask United Nations to investigate U.S. border policies

Give us your Twitter, your Facebook, your passwords guarding your free expression

14 Feb 2017

The Trump administration is floating a plan to require travelers to hand over social media passwords at the border. That would be a gross violation of human rights.

Give us your Twitter, your Facebook, your passwords guarding your free expression
14 Feb 2017
Give us your Twitter, your Facebook, your passwords guarding your free expression