Tag: Open Letter
Cambodia: Stop silencing critical commentary on COVID-19
Access Now and global NGOs are calling on the Cambodian government to immediately stop its assault on freedom of expression in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
UNHCR and WFP IrisGuard response letter
منظمات حقوقية تطالب السلطات المصرية بوقف محاكمات صانعات محتوى تيك توك وضمان حرية التعبير
تدين المنظمات الحقوقية الموقعة أدناه استمرار السلطات المصرية في استجواب ومحاكمة صانعات المحتوى بتطبيقي تيك توك ولايكي، وتطالبها بوقف هذه المحاكمات وإخلاء سبيل هؤلاء المتهمين وإغلاق هذه القضايا.
Egyptian authorities must stop trials of TikTok content creators, guarantee freedom of expression
Access Now and 13 other NGOs condemn the continued prosecution and trial of TikTok and Likee content creators, and demand that the Egyptian authorities stop these trials, release these defendants, and close these cases.
India: Instagram’s censorship of COVID-19 posts jeopardises free speech
India is experiencing a severe public health crisis. Instagram has been a crucial channel for people to communicate about important pandemic-related issues.
Letter: collection and use of refugees’ biometric data by UNHCR and WFP in Jordan
Iris scanning of refugees is disproportionate and dangerous — What’s happening behind IrisGuard’s closed doors?
Refugees should not be required to hand over personal biometric data in exchange for basic needs such as purchasing food. However, iris scan tech is reportedly being used by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) in Jordan.
Internet est un outil pour la démocratie, le Bénin et le Tchad doivent #KeepItOn pendant les élections
Access Now et la coalition #KeepItOn appelle les autorités de s’assurer que l’internet est ouvert et accessible pendant les élections au Bénin et au Tchad.
Internet is a tool for democracy, Benin and Chad must #KeepItOn during elections
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are calling on authorities to ensure the internet is open and accessible during the Benin and Chad elections.
#KeepIton open letter: the Republic of Chad must keep the internet open and secure during presidential elections
Nations across Africa, and the world, are intentionally shutting down the internet when people need it the most — during elections and important national events. This election, we urge the Republic of Chad to #KeepItOn.