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Tag: NSO

NSO’s Pegasus surveilled Palestinian activists — it’s time for a moratorium on spyware sales

8 Nov 2021

Access Now condemns the hacking of six Palestinian human rights defenders’ devices with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware.

Press Release
NSO’s Pegasus surveilled Palestinian activists — it’s time for a moratorium on spyware sales
8 Nov 2021
NSO’s Pegasus surveilled Palestinian activists — it’s time for a moratorium on spyware sales
NSO Group human rights

New NSO sanctions could spark a global turn against spyware

4 Nov 2021
New NSO sanctions could spark a global turn against spyware
4 Nov 2021
New NSO sanctions could spark a global turn against spyware

US blacklists Israeli firm NSO Group for use of spyware

3 Nov 2021
US blacklists Israeli firm NSO Group for use of spyware
3 Nov 2021
US blacklists Israeli firm NSO Group for use of spyware

Surveillance and hacking by Indian authorities? Civil society demands oversight

26 Aug 2021

Access Now is calling for an immediate, independent investigation into allegations of surveillance and hacking by Indian authorities.

Press Release
Surveillance and hacking by Indian authorities? Civil society demands oversight
26 Aug 2021
Surveillance and hacking by Indian authorities? Civil society demands oversight

India’s highest court weighs Pegasus phone snooping inquiry

6 Aug 2021
India’s highest court weighs Pegasus phone snooping inquiry
6 Aug 2021
India’s highest court weighs Pegasus phone snooping inquiry
Access Now condena el llamado de AMLO a cortar el financiamiento de Artículo 19

Cuatro señales de autoritarismo digital en México 

29 Jul 2021
Cuatro señales de autoritarismo digital en México 
29 Jul 2021
Cuatro señales de autoritarismo digital en México 
Access Now condena el llamado de AMLO a cortar el financiamiento de Artículo 19

Four signs Mexico is embracing digital authoritarianism 

28 Jul 2021
Four signs Mexico is embracing digital authoritarianism 
28 Jul 2021
Four signs Mexico is embracing digital authoritarianism 
India fake news

In Asia, parliaments must protect rights online — or lose democracy

26 Jul 2021

As parliaments across Asia convene, governments continue pushing deeply flawed laws and policies, while relegating digital rights to the sidelines. Here’s what’s happening in India, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, and why members of parliament must take action to protect our rights before any more damage is done.  

In Asia, parliaments must protect rights online — or lose democracy
26 Jul 2021
In Asia, parliaments must protect rights online — or lose democracy
WEF spyware

India’s PM Modi accused of ‘treason’ over Pegasus spyware scandal

21 Jul 2021
India’s PM Modi accused of ‘treason’ over Pegasus spyware scandal
21 Jul 2021
India’s PM Modi accused of ‘treason’ over Pegasus spyware scandal
WEF spyware

Democracy under attack: Indian government’s alleged abuse of NSO Pegasus spyware

18 Jul 2021

Access Now is outraged by the allegations that NSO Pegasus spyware is being used to hack the private communications of people in India and across the globe.

Press Release
Democracy under attack: Indian government’s alleged abuse of NSO Pegasus spyware
18 Jul 2021
Democracy under attack: Indian government’s alleged abuse of NSO Pegasus spyware