Tag: Novalpina Capital

Is NSO Group’s infamous Pegasus spyware being traded through the EU?
When sophisticated surveillance systems are sold and used effectively without constraint, it puts civil society, free expression, and our democracies at risk.

Access Now to Bulgaria and Cyprus: don’t give NSO Group license to profit from human rights violations
Access Now wrote to the governments of Bulgaria and Cyprus to request investigations into export licenses reportedly issued to NSO Group, which sells surveillance products linked to human rights violations.

April 2019: Open letter to Novalpina Capital, cc: NSO Group, Francisco Partners
The new owners of NSO Group continue to fail to demonstrate how they plan to prevent use of their surveillance products to harm human rights.

Access Now joins human rights groups open letter to Novalpina Capital
Our open letter urges Novalpina Capital, now an owner of the NSO Group surveillance technology firm, to prevent use of its products to harm human rights across the globe.

Open letter to Novalpina Capital
As an owner of NSO Group, Novalpina must take action to address the human rights impacts of the company’s products and services.