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Tag: National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)


How to win government policy and influence the internet

10 Jul 2018

We’ve submitted comments to the U.S. agency NTIA to help guide its international agenda for the internet. Here’s how and why.

How to win government policy and influence the internet
10 Jul 2018
How to win government policy and influence the internet

Civil society tells U.S. Senate: Open the internet to inclusive oversight

25 May 2016

Here’s why a swift transition to global, multistakeholder administration of the internet’s domain name system makes sense for human rights.

Civil society tells U.S. Senate: Open the internet to inclusive oversight
25 May 2016
Civil society tells U.S. Senate: Open the internet to inclusive oversight

Taming the skies: Obama memo looks at commercial drones, restricts government use

15 Feb 2015

Today, President Barack Obama issued a presidential memorandum addressing the increased development and use of drones within the United States. Among other things, the memorandum, which has the force of law, requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to develop a multistakeholder process for the creation of non-binding rules governing commercial drone use. The NTIA will collaborate with businesses and civil society organizations to develop the guidelines, which must be drafted to adequately address threats to privacy and free expression posed by the public use of the technology, particularly the unique challenges of drones as mobile internet service platforms.

Taming the skies: Obama memo looks at commercial drones, restricts government use
15 Feb 2015
Taming the skies: Obama memo looks at commercial drones, restricts government use