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Tag: National Digital Security

Tunisia biometric passports

Digital identity programs: what could go wrong? Our contribution at UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week

19 Apr 2018

Every government that seeks to protect privacy should take the time necessary to pause, reflect, and assess what digital identity programs will mean to our global society.

Digital identity programs: what could go wrong? Our contribution at UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week
19 Apr 2018
Digital identity programs: what could go wrong? Our contribution at UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week

Access contributes to independent review of UK surveillance abuses

15 Oct 2014

The UK has failed to protect its citizens’ fundamental rights to privacy and secure communications.

Access contributes to independent review of UK surveillance abuses
15 Oct 2014
Access contributes to independent review of UK surveillance abuses

AT&T takes first step toward transparency

21 Dec 2013

Following close on Verizon’s heels, AT&T today announced it will begin to publish a semi-annual online transparency report in early 2014. This announcement is an abrupt about-face for the company, which only two weeks ago requested that the SEC allow it to ignore a shareholder proposal calling for exactly such transparency.

AT&T takes first step toward transparency
21 Dec 2013
AT&T takes first step toward transparency

Access statement on the President’s Review Group report on NSA surveillance

19 Dec 2013

This afternoon the White House released “Liberty and Security in a Changing World,” the report and recommendations of the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies. This five-person task force was convened by President Obama to assess the NSA’s communications surveillance programs and provide recommendations on reform.

Access statement on the President’s Review Group report on NSA surveillance
19 Dec 2013
Access statement on the President’s Review Group report on NSA surveillance

Human Rights Day: Advancing a concept of protected information

10 Dec 2013

Even before Edward Snowden began leaking documents detailing the scale and scope of the NSA and other intelligence agencies’ violations with our privacy, Access had been working with civil society organizations (like Privacy International and EFF), as well as international law experts, and human rights scholars to draft the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance (“the Principles”).

Human Rights Day: Advancing a concept of protected information
10 Dec 2013
Human Rights Day: Advancing a concept of protected information

Obama Administration continues to thwart meaningful transparency on NSA surveillance

30 Aug 2013

Coming on the heels of an announcement yesterday that the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence will start releasing a transparency report of national security-related requests for user data, the US government disappointingly will be filing a motion to block Google and Microsoft from voluntarily disclosing similar statistics in the company’s own transparency reports.

Obama Administration continues to thwart meaningful transparency on NSA surveillance
30 Aug 2013
Obama Administration continues to thwart meaningful transparency on NSA surveillance

Access supports proposed U.S. amendment limiting NSA metadata collection

23 Jul 2013

In less than 24 hours the U.S. Congress will vote on an amendment that could help put an end to the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of telecommunications metadata, offering the first legislative opportunity to begin to rein in U.S. government’s massive spying program.

Access supports proposed U.S. amendment limiting NSA metadata collection
23 Jul 2013
Access supports proposed U.S. amendment limiting NSA metadata collection