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Wall Street keeps bankrolling dangerous surveillance tech. Congress must act

16 Mar 2022

The Cellebrite IPO got a green light despite the evidence showing the Israeli spy firm’s technology facilitates human rights abuse around the world. Here’s how to fix the broken public disclosure process.

Wall Street keeps bankrolling dangerous surveillance tech. Congress must act
16 Mar 2022
Wall Street keeps bankrolling dangerous surveillance tech. Congress must act
Spy firm for sale graphic

What spy firm Cellebrite can’t hide from investors

26 May 2021

Cellebrite could soon get a greenlight to go public, rewarding its facilitation of human rights abuses across the globe with more power and money. We map these abuses, show how Cellebrite’s human rights compliance has failed, and urge investors to require the company to improve its compliance or lose the deal.

What spy firm Cellebrite can’t hide from investors
26 May 2021
What spy firm Cellebrite can’t hide from investors