Tag: Middle East and North Africa

Internet shutdowns in MENA in 2022: continued abuses and impunity
In 2022, authorities across the Middle East and North Africa shutdown the internet 37 times — with Iran hitting the kill switch a staggering 18 times.

A new blow to freedom of expression in Tunisia
Tunisia’s Decree law 54 is supposed to fight cybercrime. Instead, it threatens freedom of expression and undermines democratic principles.

Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education
Governments cite administration of education as a rationale for internet shutdowns during exams. Here’s why shutdowns are never compatible with the right to education.

Unsafe anywhere: attacked by Pegasus, women activists speak out
Front Line Defenders and Access Now’s new report, “Unsafe anywhere: women human rights defenders speak out about Pegasus attacks,” unpacks the first-hand experiences of women navigating an increasingly hostile and dangerous environment.

Unsafe anywhere: women human rights defenders speak out about Pegasus attacks
Access Now and Front Line Defenders reveal the hacking of two women human rights defenders from Bahrain and Jordan using Pegasus spyware.

Facebook Oversight Board’s Palestine decision: right direction, not enough
The Facebook Oversight Board’s latest decision on the platforms’s unjustified removal of Palestine news content welcomed, but not enough.

عُرضة للكشف والاستغلال: حماية البيانات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

Data exposed and exploited in Middle East and North Africa, new report explores
From Ramallah to Beirut, the private data of millions is at risk. Access Now’s new report Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa, explores the privacy dangers burgeoning in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Tunisia.

Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa
Access Now’s latest report, Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa, explores how a lack of strong data protection in MENA countries is leaving people vulnerable to abuse and exploitation of their most personal information.

Transparency required: is Facebook’s effort to clean up “Operation Carthage” damaging free expression in Tunisia?
“Operation Carthage” has revealed attempts to leverage Facebook to influence elections in Tunisia and countries in Africa, and the company disabled accounts without explanation. We’re demanding answers.