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Tag: mass surveillance


Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸

23 Feb 2021

Sign this European Citizens’ Initiative to urge EU lawmakers to put a stop to harmful, discriminatory biometric mass surveillance practices.

Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸
23 Feb 2021
Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸
Algorithmic accountability

The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks

17 Feb 2021

Artificial intelligence and automated decision-making systems threaten our fundamental rights. Yet the EU is considering an approach to AI regulation that would substitute rights-based protections for a mere risk mitigation exercise by corporations with a vested interest in these systems. Here’s why that’s a grave mistake.

The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks
17 Feb 2021
The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks

How to protect yourself from digital attacks this U.S. election season

29 Oct 2020

As the U.S. braces for one of its most contentious elections, online tensions are running high. To ensure that you can exercise your rights safely, we’ve compiled some digital security tips with you in mind.

How to protect yourself from digital attacks this U.S. election season
29 Oct 2020
How to protect yourself from digital attacks this U.S. election season
Algorithmic accountability

Attention EU regulators: we need more than AI “ethics” to keep us safe

21 Oct 2020

Access Now and European Digital Rights explain why we need a bold, bright-line approach to regulating AI — not more AI ethics guidelines and soft law — to protect our fundamental rights.

Attention EU regulators: we need more than AI “ethics” to keep us safe
21 Oct 2020
Attention EU regulators: we need more than AI “ethics” to keep us safe
UPR: Universal Periodic Review

Digital rights are human rights: Holding Australia, Georgia, Myanmar, and Nauru to account at the U.N.

10 Sep 2020

When member states fail to protect human rights — such as by cutting off internet access in the middle of a global pandemic — we leverage the UPR process to call attention to that failure and press for change.

Digital rights are human rights: Holding Australia, Georgia, Myanmar, and Nauru to account at the U.N.
10 Sep 2020
Digital rights are human rights: Holding Australia, Georgia, Myanmar, and Nauru to account at the U.N.

Ban biometric mass surveillance

13 May 2020
Ban biometric mass surveillance
13 May 2020
Ban biometric mass surveillance

Indian state to test facial recognition in polls as privacy fears mount

22 Jan 2020
Indian state to test facial recognition in polls as privacy fears mount
22 Jan 2020
Indian state to test facial recognition in polls as privacy fears mount

Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age

25 Apr 2018

Our submission to the United Nations on “the right to privacy in the digital age” details ways that governments can protect this fundamental right.

Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age
25 Apr 2018
Defending the right to privacy globally: 8 key recommendations for the digital age
|Get Resources Here

The bad, the good, and the hopeful on surveillance reform

17 Jan 2018

The U.S. Senate passed — and President Trump has signed into law — a bill that will extend and expand invasive surveillance programs like PRISM and Upstream. But we have reason to be hopeful that this fight is not over.

The bad, the good, and the hopeful on surveillance reform
17 Jan 2018
The bad, the good, and the hopeful on surveillance reform

Don’t let U.S. Congress expand mass surveillance

19 Dec 2017

Help spread the word about Sec 702 and tweet to your members of Congress to end warrantless surveillance!

Don’t let U.S. Congress expand mass surveillance
19 Dec 2017
Don’t let U.S. Congress expand mass surveillance