Protect LGBTQ+ Digital Rights

VitaFest: A festival for community care and digital resilience
Explore VitaFest 2022, the first international festival on community care for digital resilience, and meet the organizers at RightsCon.

Tunisian police are using drones and Facebook to doxx LGBTQ protesters

Meerim Ilyas to help Access Now Grants target support for digital rights activists at the front lines
We’re excited to welcome Meerim Ilyas to the Access Now Grants program’s Advisory Board, and to share her reflections on the human rights challenges we face and how funding organizations should respond.

Wie Sich Corona auf LSBTI-Aktivismus in Osteuropa und im globalen Süden auswirkt

Community Voices: The Bachchao Project fights for gender rights online
The Bachchao Project is a techno-feminist collective working at the intersection of technology and gender rights, bridging the gap between tech developers and end users in at-risk communities.

Ethiopia: Verifying the unblocking of websites
Access Now and OONI publish a report showing which sites are no longer blocked in Ethiopia, and call for lifting the block on the remaining sites and reform of the laws that silence dissenting voices.

LGBTQI communities: proud and secure online
During Pride Month, we celebrate the many activists, journalists, human rights defenders, and community members who have helped to build a more equal and rights-respecting world, often at great personal sacrifice.

A double-edged sword: the internet as a tool for trans activism
The internet can empower trans activists and other marginalized communities, but it can also put them at greater risk. Here’s what you can do to support them.

In the Philippines, GANDA Filipinas fights the culture of misogyny to let women and LGBTQI people speak out
Our interview with Naomi Fontanos, the executive director of Gender and Development Advocates Filipinas (GANDA), sheds light on how the organization works to strengthen the feminist and LGBTQI communities in The Philippines.