VitaFest: A festival for community care and digital resilience
Explore VitaFest 2022, the first international festival on community care for digital resilience, and meet the organizers at RightsCon.

Telegram must protect LGBTQ+ people
Telegram must protect LGBTQ+ people from hate and violence on its platform, and set a new standard of upholding and promoting human rights in its business practices.

Who we hurt when we attack encryption
Encryption is a vital tool for keeping human rights defenders safe from powerful adversaries. Case studies from Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline show how strong encryption makes the world safer for everyone.

Spotify, no nos espíes: la coalición global de más de 170 músicos y grupos de derechos humanos toma una posición
Access Now, Fight for the Future, Union of Musicians and Allied Workers, y una coalición de músicos y organizaciones de derechos humanos de todo el mundo enviaron una carta a Spotify pidiendo a la empresa que se comprometa públicamente a nunca utilizar, licenciar, vender o monetizar su nueva patente de tecnología de reconocimiento de voz.

Spotify, don’t spy: global coalition of 180+ musicians and human rights groups take a stand against speech-recognition technology
Access Now, Fight for the Future, Union of Musicians and Allied Workers, and a global coalition of musicians and human rights organizations call on Spotify to never use, license, sell, or monetize its new speech-recognition patent technology.

Dear Spotify: don’t manipulate our emotions for profit
Access Now calls on Spotify to make a public commitment to never use, license, sell, or monetize its dangerously invasive speech-recognition technology.

Ban automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation
Automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation is scientifically flawed and puts LGBT+ lives at risk. The European Union has the opportunity to ban this technology and prevent such tools from being exported around the world. Sign now!

Computers are binary, people are not: how AI systems undermine LGBTQ identity

Digital security guide: How to protect yourself on dating apps

Six Latin American activist organizations you can support for International Women’s Day
On International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the hard work of six activist organizations in Latin America that are making digital spaces safer for women during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.