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Tag: Kashmir

Limited internet to be restored in IOK

26 Jan 2020
Limited internet to be restored in IOK
26 Jan 2020
Limited internet to be restored in IOK

Limited Internet to Be Restored in Kashmir, No Access to Social Media

25 Jan 2020
Limited Internet to Be Restored in Kashmir, No Access to Social Media
25 Jan 2020
Limited Internet to Be Restored in Kashmir, No Access to Social Media

Kashmiris take ‘Internet Express’ to stay connected

19 Jan 2020
Kashmiris take ‘Internet Express’ to stay connected
19 Jan 2020
Kashmiris take ‘Internet Express’ to stay connected

Internet shutdowns could cost ASEAN dearly

14 Jan 2020
Internet shutdowns could cost ASEAN dearly
14 Jan 2020
Internet shutdowns could cost ASEAN dearly

No web, no jobs: Kashmiris board the ‘Internet Express’

13 Jan 2020
No web, no jobs: Kashmiris board the ‘Internet Express’
13 Jan 2020
No web, no jobs: Kashmiris board the ‘Internet Express’
Pakistan shutdowns internet

Kashmir awaits restoration of internet with hope and skepticism

13 Jan 2020
Kashmir awaits restoration of internet with hope and skepticism
13 Jan 2020
Kashmir awaits restoration of internet with hope and skepticism

India: Supreme Court order on internet lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir makes right noises but leaves matters of relief to the future

11 Jan 2020

The judgment has one clear, unqualified message: any government order that impacts the exercise of fundamental rights must be a reasoned and publicly-accessible order.

India: Supreme Court order on internet lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir makes right noises but leaves matters of relief to the future
11 Jan 2020
India: Supreme Court order on internet lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir makes right noises but leaves matters of relief to the future

Indian court says Kashmir shutdown illegal

10 Jan 2020
Indian court says Kashmir shutdown illegal
10 Jan 2020
Indian court says Kashmir shutdown illegal

Urgent: shutdowns in Kashmir, Myanmar, and Bangladesh leave oppressed groups disconnected from the world

19 Dec 2019

The Indian government is responding to citizen protests in major cities by deliberately cutting access to mobile networks, an inherently anti-democratic tactic that threatens human rights and puts people’s lives in danger. Sadly, this is part of an ongoing trend globally and across Asia, and the people it is hurting the most have the least capacity to defend their rights.

Urgent: shutdowns in Kashmir, Myanmar, and Bangladesh leave oppressed groups disconnected from the world
19 Dec 2019
Urgent: shutdowns in Kashmir, Myanmar, and Bangladesh leave oppressed groups disconnected from the world

With shutdowns in major cities to silence protests, India tries to black out democracy

19 Dec 2019

The #KeepItOn coalition has received reports of internet shutdowns in numerous neighborhoods in Delhi, India, amid protests against the country’s new citizenship law.

Press Release
With shutdowns in major cities to silence protests, India tries to black out democracy
19 Dec 2019
With shutdowns in major cities to silence protests, India tries to black out democracy