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Tag: Kashmir


#KeepItOn: Open letter to the government of India on lifting internet restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir during COVID-19 pandemic

24 Apr 2020

We, the undersigned organizations, write to reiterate our call on the government of India to lift the restriction on 4G high-speed internet access in the Jammu and Kashmir region.

Press Release
#KeepItOn: Open letter to the government of India on lifting internet restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir during COVID-19 pandemic
24 Apr 2020
#KeepItOn: Open letter to the government of India on lifting internet restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir during COVID-19 pandemic

In Kashmir, slow internet throttles doctors’ coronavirus response

1 Apr 2020
In Kashmir, slow internet throttles doctors’ coronavirus response
1 Apr 2020
In Kashmir, slow internet throttles doctors’ coronavirus response

#KeepItOn: internet shutdowns during COVID-19 will help spread the virus

17 Mar 2020

As physical borders close, access to the open, secure internet becomes critical to society’s health and cultural, economic, and political wellbeing .

#KeepItOn: internet shutdowns during COVID-19 will help spread the virus
17 Mar 2020
#KeepItOn: internet shutdowns during COVID-19 will help spread the virus

After a partial restoration of internet access in Jammu & Kashmir, Access Now urges full access

6 Mar 2020

Internet shutdowns do not keep people safe. They worsen unsafe  situations in a country and are a violation of the fundamental rights of people. 

After a partial restoration of internet access in Jammu & Kashmir, Access Now urges full access
6 Mar 2020
After a partial restoration of internet access in Jammu & Kashmir, Access Now urges full access

India restores full internet access in Kashmir for 2 weeks

4 Mar 2020
India restores full internet access in Kashmir for 2 weeks
4 Mar 2020
India restores full internet access in Kashmir for 2 weeks

How the internet shutdown in Kashmir is splintering India’s democracy

3 Mar 2020
How the internet shutdown in Kashmir is splintering India’s democracy
3 Mar 2020
How the internet shutdown in Kashmir is splintering India’s democracy

India cracks down on use of VPNs in Kashmir to get around social media ban

19 Feb 2020
India cracks down on use of VPNs in Kashmir to get around social media ban
19 Feb 2020
India cracks down on use of VPNs in Kashmir to get around social media ban
Pakistan shutdowns internet

Kashmiris wrestle with limited internet

15 Feb 2020
Kashmiris wrestle with limited internet
15 Feb 2020
Kashmiris wrestle with limited internet

Investors Arrive in Kashmir, But Can They Realise Modi’s Dream to Make Region Economic Powerhouse?

14 Feb 2020
Investors Arrive in Kashmir, But Can They Realise Modi’s Dream to Make Region Economic Powerhouse?
14 Feb 2020
Investors Arrive in Kashmir, But Can They Realise Modi’s Dream to Make Region Economic Powerhouse?

India Keeps Lid on Kashmir’s Internet 6 Months Into Lockdown

14 Feb 2020
India Keeps Lid on Kashmir’s Internet 6 Months Into Lockdown
14 Feb 2020
India Keeps Lid on Kashmir’s Internet 6 Months Into Lockdown