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Tag: Kais Bouazizi

Tunisia: for a free press, journalists must have privacy

13 Feb 2018

The Minister of the Interior admits to spying on journalists’ phone calls with protesters.

Tunisia: for a free press, journalists must have privacy
13 Feb 2018
Tunisia: for a free press, journalists must have privacy

Tunisia: Is freedom of expression under threat due to the economic crisis?

30 Jan 2018

Access Now is relieved that Kais Bouazizi has been released, but we remain deeply concerned about the fact that he was arrested in the first place, since it appeared to be in response to the publication of legitimate content on Facebook.

Tunisia: Is freedom of expression under threat due to the economic crisis?
30 Jan 2018
Tunisia: Is freedom of expression under threat due to the economic crisis?

Tunisie: La liberté d’expression est-elle menacée à cause de la crise économique ?

24 Jan 2018

Access Now est soulagé par la libération de Kais Bouazizi, mais nous sommes profondément préoccupés par son arrestation en premier lieu, qui semble avoir été motivée par la publication de contenu parfaitement licite sur Facebook.

Tunisie: La liberté d’expression est-elle menacée à cause de la crise économique ?
24 Jan 2018
Tunisie: La liberté d’expression est-elle menacée à cause de la crise économique ?