Tag: ITU
The gender of surveillance: how the world can work together for a safer internet
For gender equality by 2030, civil society and governments need to collaborate on preventing gendered surveillance.
Privacidad: ¡Sí!, pero no en la UIT
Privacy, yes! But not at the ITU
The structure and mandate of the International Telecommunications Union make it a poor vehicle for crafting policy on privacy.
Access Now position paper: Protecting digital rights in the “OTT” debate
We offer high-level principles and recommendations to help policymakers, regulators, and civil society understand and engage in the “OTT” debate.
We can’t reach the U.N. goals for sustainable development without the internet
Only a stable, secure, and open internet will ensure success for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Don’t miss RightsCon Brussels on March 29-31 2017
It’s not too late to join us for the best RightsCon Summit to date.
The key to sustainable development: technology and an open, free, secure internet
Our submission to the ITU on connectivity and sustainable development stresses the need for policy and standards that support a free, open, secure internet.
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014: Impressions and analysis of outcomes
After weeks of heated discussions, the International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary Conference closed on November 7th, ending on a significantly lighter note than the controversial 2012 World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT). Internet governance expert Avri Doria attended the conference in Busan, South Korea, better known as “the Plenipot,” on behalf of Access. Here are her impressions of the outcomes of the conference.
ITU Plenipotentiary: Halftime Updates
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Plenipotentiary conference is held once every four years, and we expected this year’s conference in Busan, Korea to be full of controversy. The Conference is now about halfway over and our expectations came true. Here’s a quick halftime report on the major happenings and topics of conversation.
What to Watch at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014
Access has written up an overview of the top procedural and substantive concerns to look out for at ITU Plenipotentiary as well as recommendations for relevant and productive areas for the ITU to focus its work on in the coming four years.