Tag: ISPs

Privacy violated in Palestine: ISPs leave private data exposed
“Privacy Violated: Protection of Customers’ Personal Information by Internet Service Providers in Palestine,” explores how ISPs are failing to protect data.

Myanmar civil society appeals to ISPs for connectivity, protection of rights
Access Now supports this open letter published by Myanmar civil society organizations working on human rights, peace and federal democracy, and justice and accountability.

Tunisian ISPs violate customers’ privacy
Internet service providers in Tunisia fail to protect customers’ privacy, retaining and sharing personal data with third parties without their prior knowledge or explicit consent, finds ImpACT International for Human Rights Policies and Access Now.

There’s still time to safeguard Mexico’s Net Neutrality
Access Now urges Mexico’s Federal Institute of Telecommunications to protect Net Neutrality.

ISPs lose a critical motion in Maine broadband privacy fight
Access Now applauds state of Maine for protecting broadband privacy rights in court motion.

Access Now and partners defend Maine broadband privacy law
Access Now and partners file amicus brief in internet service providers’ challenge to Maine broadband privacy statute.

Access Now condemns U.S. Congressional vote to gut internet privacy
Repeal of broadband privacy rules puts special interests ahead of the rights of individuals, and should earn a presidential veto — not applause.

Access tells the FCC to use its authority to reclassify broadband and protect net neutrality
This week Access submitted comments to the FCC urging it to use its full authority to reclassify broadband internet access service as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act — the only viable way the agency can safeguard the values that enabled the internet to become a global force for commerce, culture, free expression, and innovation.
Flying the coup: Circumventing censorship in Thailand
Access complied the following list of readily available digital security tools to help internet users in Thailand exercise fundamental freedoms in a safe and secure manner online.
Thai coup threatens freedom of expression online
Access and our partners are alarmed by recent political events in Thailand; less than a week after a military coup took control of civilian institutions, the country is now witnessing a crackdown on free expression online and offline.