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Tag: Investors

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Attention Amazon: your shareholders want you to protect human rights

18 May 2023

As Big Tech’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) season approaches, Amazon shareholders are pushing for changes to protect human rights. Here are the shareholder proposals we support.

Attention Amazon: your shareholders want you to protect human rights
18 May 2023
Attention Amazon: your shareholders want you to protect human rights

Why shareholders don’t trust Big Tech — and how to fix that

17 May 2023

As we enter the 2023 AGM season, we look at what shareholder proposals for Big Tech companies Amazon, Alphabet, and Meta reveal about the companies’ capacity to mitigate risk and ensure accountability for emerging tech like AI.

Why shareholders don’t trust Big Tech — and how to fix that
17 May 2023
Why shareholders don’t trust Big Tech — and how to fix that
Meta Human Rights

SEC must demand greater transparency on digital and human rights issues in ESG ratings

17 Aug 2022

We urge the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to ensure new rules will help investors get accurate information about their holdings’ human rights impacts.

Press Release
SEC must demand greater transparency on digital and human rights issues in ESG ratings
17 Aug 2022
SEC must demand greater transparency on digital and human rights issues in ESG ratings
Meta Human Rights

How the world’s biggest investors could transform Big Tech

21 Jul 2022

This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) season for the tech sector has come and gone, but the results for Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon tell a surprisingly hopeful story for digital rights advocates.

How the world’s biggest investors could transform Big Tech
21 Jul 2022
How the world’s biggest investors could transform Big Tech

Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon: A shareholder’s guide to supporting human rights

24 May 2022

We urge Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon shareholders to support greater accountability for the companies’ human rights impacts.

Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon: A shareholder’s guide to supporting human rights
24 May 2022
Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon: A shareholder’s guide to supporting human rights

What the tech sector can do to respect human rights in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and beyond

10 Mar 2022

As the Russia-Ukraine crisis escalates to war, the tech sector must do more than merely comply with sanctions. Here are our recommendations for mitigating human rights harms. 

What the tech sector can do to respect human rights in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and beyond
10 Mar 2022
What the tech sector can do to respect human rights in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and beyond

New guide: surveillance technology investors face significant risks if human rights are ignored

9 Mar 2022

A new guide on effective due diligence will help shareholders with investments in surveillance technology prevent and mitigate human rights risks.

Press Release
New guide: surveillance technology investors face significant risks if human rights are ignored
9 Mar 2022
New guide: surveillance technology investors face significant risks if human rights are ignored
Spy firm for sale Twitter card

Going public? Cellebrite’s tech is incompatible with human rights, investors must make a stand

13 Jul 2021

As Cellebrite bids to go public, Access Now calls on stakeholders to stop this alarming deal until the company demonstrates human rights commitments. 

Press Release
Going public? Cellebrite’s tech is incompatible with human rights, investors must make a stand
13 Jul 2021
Going public? Cellebrite’s tech is incompatible with human rights, investors must make a stand
Thumbnail image: internet shutdowns

U.N. propels internet shutdowns into the spotlight, calls on key stakeholders to act

1 Jul 2021

Access Now is thrilled to promote a new addendum report to the United Nations Human Rights Council on the pressing need to combat internet shutdowns globally. 

Press Release
U.N. propels internet shutdowns into the spotlight, calls on key stakeholders to act
1 Jul 2021
U.N. propels internet shutdowns into the spotlight, calls on key stakeholders to act