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Tag: internet shutdowns

I Love Digital Rights Social Card

Technology for Democracy at the second U.S. Summit: an update on our progress

23 Feb 2023
Technology for Democracy at the second U.S. Summit: an update on our progress
23 Feb 2023
Technology for Democracy at the second U.S. Summit: an update on our progress
Shutdown impact stories in Central Asia

“We were in an information vacuum”: internet shutdowns in Central Asia

15 Feb 2023
“We were in an information vacuum”: internet shutdowns in Central Asia
15 Feb 2023
“We were in an information vacuum”: internet shutdowns in Central Asia

Access Now condemns Myanmar’s internet shutdown during military coup

1 Feb 2021

Myanmar’s military uses internet shutdowns to quell protests and control the online space.

Press Release
Access Now condemns Myanmar’s internet shutdown during military coup
1 Feb 2021
Access Now condemns Myanmar’s internet shutdown during military coup