Tag: internet shutdowns

DSA is not a censorship tool: Commissioner Breton must clarify blocking statement
Civil society is demanding clarity on Commissioner Breton’s suggestion that arbitrary blocking of online platforms could be enforced under the DSA.

Access Now’s response to Commissioner Breton’s letter: Priorities and dialogue on DSA enforcement
Access Now responds to Commissioner Breton’s letter and seeks dialogue on DSA enforcement.

Civil society gets its confirmation from EU Commissioner: no internet shutdowns under DSA
Commissioner Breton clarified that internet shutdowns are not lawful under the DSA except under extreme circumstances.

Manipur internet shutdowns: Forgetting the lessons from Kashmir

India internet shutdowns hurt women more, Manipur assaults show

Civil society statement: Commissioner Breton needs to clarify comments about the DSA allowing for platform blocking
Requesting clarification recent comments suggesting that blocking of online platforms could be an enforceable and justified measure under the DSA.

Why India leads the world in internet shutdowns: Open violations of SC guidelines, silent judiciary

To defend democracy, stand up for civil society
As governments, businesses, and civil society organizations gather for the 2nd U.S. Summit for Democracy, our message is clear: to defend democracy in the digital age, states must stand up for civil society, online and off.

Silenced, spied on, and stalked: why we’re taking the fight for gender equality to the UN

Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition documented 187 internet shutdowns in 2022, across a record-setting 35 countries.