Tag: International Women’s Day

Silenced, spied on, and stalked: why we’re taking the fight for gender equality to the UN

What is doxxing, and how does it endanger women?
This International Women’s Day, we’re telling platforms like Telegram, Twitch, and Meta to take women’s safety seriously.

Seis organizaciones activistas de Latinoamérica a las que puedes apoyar en el Día Internacional de la Mujer
En honor al Día Internacional de la Mujer, celebramos el arduo trabajo de seis organizaciones activistas en América Latina, que están haciendo que los espacios digitales sean más seguros para las mujeres durante la crisis de la COVID-19 y más allá.

Six Latin American activist organizations you can support for International Women’s Day
On International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the hard work of six activist organizations in Latin America that are making digital spaces safer for women during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

Facebook in the era of #EnaZeda: A toxic or liberating platform for women?
Thousands of women have shared their stories as part of the #EnaZeda campaign, Tunisia’s version of #MeToo. For International Women’s Day, we are sharing lessons on the potential and limitations of social media for amplifying women’s voices and catalyzing the movement for equality in the digital era.

Internet Democracy Project: Fighting gendered surveillance and access disparities in India
The Internet Democracy Project, based in New Delhi, documents how technology can deepen the scrutiny that women are subject to in the digital age, and fights back against gender-based restrictions to privacy and free expression.

In 2018, honoring women, transgender, and non-binary persons will make the internet safer for everyone
We know inclusion matters, yet all too often women and non-binary persons are excluded from the conversation. That makes us less secure, and it has to change.

How Access Now is working to bridge the gender “digital divide”
It’s International Women’s Day. Here’s how we’re working to make the internet a more inclusive, equitable, and safe place for everyone.

Women at Access Reflect on International Women’s Day and Digital Rights
This year, we’re celebrating International Women’s Day by spotlighting Access staffers around the world — in Washington, Tunisia, Brussels, and New York. We asked them a simple question: Why do you fight for digital rights?