Tag: International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communication Surveillance

Fourth Annual Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance
Here are the five winners — and losers — of the Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance Awards, recognizing those who have helped or harmed digital rights in 2017.

DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.
The expansive U.S. order stands in contravention of our fundamental rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

Time’s up! …for data retention mandates across the EU
Our take on what the CJEU ruling on data retention means for the future of privacy in Europe.

Third Annual Heroes & Villains of Human Rights and Communications Surveillance
Access Now is pleased to announce our “Heroes and Villains” of human rights

Who are your digital rights heroes — or villains?
It’s time to nominate the heroes and villains of human rights for 2016!

The impact of forced data localisation on fundamental rights
Forced data localisation is getting more attention in the aftermath of Edward Snowden’s revelations of mass surveillance. We unpack some of the misconceptions about it and explore the impact on fundamental rights and civil liberties.