Tag: Instagram

In Tunisia, 45 organizations speak out against Instagram hate campaign targeting the LGBTQ community
A coalition of organizations including Mawjoudin, Damj, and Access Now are asking Instagram and others to stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ community in the face of hatred and violence on the platform.

Tunisian activists to Instagram: Stifle homophobic Lady Samara

Platforms hear disturbing facts from ‘Bois Locker Room’

Sri Lanka: shutting down social media to fight rumors hurts victims
Cutting communications channels can block the emergency and rescue services that keep people alive.

On its first birthday, the GDPR needs to grow some teeth
For the data protection regulation to reach its full potential in protecting our rights, we need to move from the implementation to the enforcement stage.

How to help #KeepItOn in Iran
The people of Iran have a fundamental human right to free expression. Here’s how you can help them exercise that right.