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Tag: Instagram

Tell Facebook: Stop Silencing Palestine

10 Jun 2021

Access Now and our partners have received hundreds of reports that social platforms — most notably Facebook and Instagram — are suppressing Palestinian protest hashtags, blocking livestreams, and removing posts and accounts. This has to stop. Now.

Tell Facebook: Stop Silencing Palestine
10 Jun 2021
Tell Facebook: Stop Silencing Palestine

Global civil society coalition calls on Facebook to #StopSilencingPalestine

10 Jun 2021

Access Now has joined 16 organizations and more than 50 artists, journalists, and human rights defenders to launch the #StopSilencingPalestine campaign to demand an end to Facebook’s censorship of Palestinian voices.

Press Release
Global civil society coalition calls on Facebook to #StopSilencingPalestine
10 Jun 2021
Global civil society coalition calls on Facebook to #StopSilencingPalestine
México: un Decálogo de Derechos Digitales en Redes Sociales o una receta para la censura

Facebook Oversight Board: No place for Trump’s hate and disinformation on its platforms

4 Jun 2021

The Facebook Oversight Board today upheld the “deplatforming” of Donald Trump from Facebook and Instagram, finding Facebook’s decision to be necessary and proportionate. Access Now welcomes this decision.

Press Release
Facebook Oversight Board: No place for Trump’s hate and disinformation on its platforms
4 Jun 2021
Facebook Oversight Board: No place for Trump’s hate and disinformation on its platforms

Inside Facebook’s Meeting with Palestinian Officials Over Posts Inaccurately Flagged as Incitement to Violence

21 May 2021
Inside Facebook’s Meeting with Palestinian Officials Over Posts Inaccurately Flagged as Incitement to Violence
21 May 2021
Inside Facebook’s Meeting with Palestinian Officials Over Posts Inaccurately Flagged as Incitement to Violence

India: Instagram’s censorship of COVID-19 posts jeopardises free speech

17 May 2021

India is experiencing a severe public health crisis. Instagram has been a crucial channel for people to communicate about important pandemic-related issues. 

Press Release
India: Instagram’s censorship of COVID-19 posts jeopardises free speech
17 May 2021
India: Instagram’s censorship of COVID-19 posts jeopardises free speech

Instagram, Twitter blame glitches for deleting Palestinian posts

10 May 2021
Instagram, Twitter blame glitches for deleting Palestinian posts
10 May 2021
Instagram, Twitter blame glitches for deleting Palestinian posts
Protest and human rights

Sheikh Jarrah: Facebook and Twitter systematically silencing protests, deleting evidence

7 May 2021

Facebook and Twitter are systematically silencing users protesting and documenting the evictions of Palestinian families from their homes in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem.

Press Release
Sheikh Jarrah: Facebook and Twitter systematically silencing protests, deleting evidence
7 May 2021
Sheikh Jarrah: Facebook and Twitter systematically silencing protests, deleting evidence
Kazakhstan internet

Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn

3 Mar 2021

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition report on internet shutdown news, exploring data from the entire year of 2020.

Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn
3 Mar 2021
Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn
human impact of internet shutdowns

Cutting internet access when people need it the most: stories from Uganda

9 Feb 2021

Join us and share these 15 personal stories to show how the shutdowns in Uganda during the 2021 presidential election are affecting people’s lives. Amplify voices from Uganda.

Cutting internet access when people need it the most: stories from Uganda
9 Feb 2021
Cutting internet access when people need it the most: stories from Uganda

45 منظمة تندد بحملة الكراهية على Instagram ضد مجتمع الميم في تونس‎

28 Sep 2020
Press Release
45 منظمة تندد بحملة الكراهية على Instagram ضد مجتمع الميم في تونس‎
28 Sep 2020
45 منظمة تندد بحملة الكراهية على Instagram ضد مجتمع الميم في تونس‎