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Tag: IMF

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We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond

15 Oct 2021

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund met this week. They didn’t discuss digital identity programs, even though the World Bank itself funds “Big ID” systems.

We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond
15 Oct 2021
We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond

Letter to IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on possible breach of Cameroon loan terms

27 Jun 2018

Our letter highlights the fact that Cameroon has not reported its internet shutdowns, which damage the economy.

Press Release
Letter to IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on possible breach of Cameroon loan terms
27 Jun 2018
Letter to IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on possible breach of Cameroon loan terms

Pulling the plug on free expression: the rise of internet shutdowns to silence dissent

17 Jan 2018

In Iran, the DRC, Ethiopia, and Cameroon, governments are responding to protests by imposing internet shutdowns. It has to stop.

Pulling the plug on free expression: the rise of internet shutdowns to silence dissent
17 Jan 2018
Pulling the plug on free expression: the rise of internet shutdowns to silence dissent