Buenos Aires y São Paulo suspenden el reconocimiento facial, ¿qué espera el resto de América Latina?

Victoria de privacidad para 350.000 personas en São Paulo: tribunal bloquea cámaras de reconocimiento facial en el metro

Privacy win for 350,000 people in São Paulo: court blocks facial recognition cameras in metro

Facial recognition on trial: emotion and gender “detection” under scrutiny in a court case in Brazil
As AI-powered facial recognition systems are deployed around the world, it is imperative to ensure they do not facilitate human rights violations, especially of people and communities already at risk.

Brazil: “fake news” proposals add uncertainty to institutional crisis
Brazil joins the list of countries debating regulations to eliminate “fake news.” Dangerous proposals to censor online expression come at a terrible moment for Brazil’s democracy.

Activists are close to saving broadband in Brazil
Thanks to activists pushing back against data caps for internet use, we could see a law to ban the practice — a boon for innovation and free expression in Brazil.