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U.S. agrees to develop NAP on business & human rights

30 Sep 2014

The Obama Administration announced on Wednesday, Sept. 24 that it would review and account for the human rights impacts of U.S. businesses.

U.S. agrees to develop NAP on business & human rights
30 Sep 2014
U.S. agrees to develop NAP on business & human rights

Obama ignores user rights with African investment plan

7 Aug 2014

The U.S. cannot so easily ignore its responsibilities under international law and norms, or turn a blind eye to the activities of its corporations abroad.

Obama ignores user rights with African investment plan
7 Aug 2014
Obama ignores user rights with African investment plan

Access calls for more NAPs on business and human rights

1 May 2014

Today, Access and other civil society groups in the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR), published a joint letter outlining the seven concrete steps each country must take to ensure that they effectively implement the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

Access calls for more NAPs on business and human rights
1 May 2014
Access calls for more NAPs on business and human rights