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Tag: human rights

NSO Group human rights

EU: Leak reveals states are ready to put human rights defenders at risk to protect surveillance industry

29 Oct 2018
Press Release
EU: Leak reveals states are ready to put human rights defenders at risk to protect surveillance industry
29 Oct 2018
EU: Leak reveals states are ready to put human rights defenders at risk to protect surveillance industry

Open Letter to Ambassador Annika Ben David

11 Sep 2018
Open Letter to Ambassador Annika Ben David
11 Sep 2018
Open Letter to Ambassador Annika Ben David
Secure Australia

In Australia, an inflection point for human rights

21 Jul 2018

Experts across fields and sectors will converge in Sydney for the Human Rights and Technology conference hosted by the Australian Human Rights Commission. We’ll be there.

In Australia, an inflection point for human rights
21 Jul 2018
In Australia, an inflection point for human rights
NSO Group human rights

European-made FinSpy malware is being used to target critics in Turkey

14 May 2018

Today, we are releasing a report detailing the extensive deployment of FinFisher malware against activists in Turkey and beyond.

Press Release
European-made FinSpy malware is being used to target critics in Turkey
14 May 2018
European-made FinSpy malware is being used to target critics in Turkey

Google ends “domain fronting,” a crucial way for tools to evade censors

18 Apr 2018

Domain fronting services enable apps and services like Tor to circumvent some forms of repressive censorship and surveillance. We urge Google to reverse course.

Press Release
Google ends “domain fronting,” a crucial way for tools to evade censors
18 Apr 2018
Google ends “domain fronting,” a crucial way for tools to evade censors
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

كامبريدج أناليتيكا: طريقة غير مشروعة للحصول على معطيات شخصية لـ 87 مليون شخص! تعرف على آخر المستجدات

10 Apr 2018
كامبريدج أناليتيكا: طريقة غير مشروعة للحصول على معطيات شخصية لـ 87 مليون شخص! تعرف على آخر المستجدات
10 Apr 2018
كامبريدج أناليتيكا: طريقة غير مشروعة للحصول على معطيات شخصية لـ 87 مليون شخص! تعرف على آخر المستجدات

What the EU is getting wrong about the Internet of Things

12 Feb 2018

There is no better time than right now to question the world that is being built around us, and as civil society, it is our duty to ask the hard questions, and make sure innovators have good answers before they proceed.

What the EU is getting wrong about the Internet of Things
12 Feb 2018
What the EU is getting wrong about the Internet of Things
John Perry Barlow_Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

Rest in power, John Perry Barlow

9 Feb 2018

Brilliant, visionary, and a tireless advocate of the internet as a vehicle for empowerment, creativity, and freedom. Fare thee well, John Perry Barlow.

Rest in power, John Perry Barlow
9 Feb 2018
Rest in power, John Perry Barlow
NSO Group human rights

EU: European Parliament must vote to stop surveillance equipment going to rights-abusing governments

16 Jan 2018
Press Release
EU: European Parliament must vote to stop surveillance equipment going to rights-abusing governments
16 Jan 2018
EU: European Parliament must vote to stop surveillance equipment going to rights-abusing governments
NSO Group human rights

The European Parliament is fighting to strengthen the rules for surveillance trade

8 Dec 2017
The European Parliament is fighting to strengthen the rules for surveillance trade
8 Dec 2017
The European Parliament is fighting to strengthen the rules for surveillance trade