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Tag: human rights

|Human rights problem with Google Cloud Platform in Saudi Arabia - Twitter thumbnail

Saudi Google Cloud center: shareholder vote can prevent storm of human rights abuses

30 May 2022

Civil society urge Alphabet shareholders to ensure that the company upholds human rights principles before it proceeds with its Saudi Google Cloud center.

Press Release
Saudi Google Cloud center: shareholder vote can prevent storm of human rights abuses
30 May 2022
Saudi Google Cloud center: shareholder vote can prevent storm of human rights abuses
|Human rights problem with Google Cloud Platform in Saudi Arabia - Twitter thumbnail

Letter to Alphabet Shareholders: Vote YES to Uphold Google’s Human Rights Commitments

30 May 2022

Alphabet shareholders should ensure human rights principles are upheld before Google proceeds with its cloud region plan in Saudi Arabia.

Press Release
Letter to Alphabet Shareholders: Vote YES to Uphold Google’s Human Rights Commitments
30 May 2022
Letter to Alphabet Shareholders: Vote YES to Uphold Google’s Human Rights Commitments

ایران- هشدار جمعی از سازمان‌های حقوق بشری درباره‌ی طرح صیانت

17 Mar 2022

ما، جمعی از سازمان‌های حقوق بشری و نهادهای جامعه‌ی مدنی، با امضای این بیانیه نگرانی عمیق خود از تلاش مجلس شورای اسلامی ایران برای تصویب کلیات «طرح نظام تنظیم مقررات خدمات فضای مجازی» که در نسخه‌های پیشین‌اش طرح «صیانت از حقوق کاربران در فضای مجازی و ساماندهی پیام‌رسان‌های اجتماعی» نامیده شده بود («طرح صیانت») اعلام می‌کنیم.

Press Release
ایران- هشدار جمعی از سازمان‌های حقوق بشری درباره‌ی طرح صیانت
17 Mar 2022
ایران- هشدار جمعی از سازمان‌های حقوق بشری درباره‌ی طرح صیانت

Iran: Human rights groups sound alarm against draconian Internet Bill 

17 Mar 2022

Access Now and international civil society organizations urge Iranian authorities to promote human rights, and immediately withdraw the draconian “Regulatory System for Cyberspace Services Bill.”

Press Release
Iran: Human rights groups sound alarm against draconian Internet Bill 
17 Mar 2022
Iran: Human rights groups sound alarm against draconian Internet Bill 

NSO’s Pegasus surveilled Palestinian activists — it’s time for a moratorium on spyware sales

8 Nov 2021

Access Now condemns the hacking of six Palestinian human rights defenders’ devices with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware.

Press Release
NSO’s Pegasus surveilled Palestinian activists — it’s time for a moratorium on spyware sales
8 Nov 2021
NSO’s Pegasus surveilled Palestinian activists — it’s time for a moratorium on spyware sales
Corporate transparency Social card

Access Now to Telenor’s Board: Stop the sale in Myanmar

13 Oct 2021

The Telenor Board must immediately stop the sale of its Myanmar operations to M1 Group, and protect the human rights of subscribers in Myanmar.

Press Release
Access Now to Telenor’s Board: Stop the sale in Myanmar
13 Oct 2021
Access Now to Telenor’s Board: Stop the sale in Myanmar
WEF spyware

New Middle East and North Africa Coalition to Combat Digital Surveillance

8 Jun 2021

The new MENA Coalition to Combat Digital Surveillance has come together to end the sale of digital surveillance tools to repressive governments in the region, fight for a safe and open internet, and protect human rights defenders, journalists, and internet users.

Press Release
New Middle East and North Africa Coalition to Combat Digital Surveillance
8 Jun 2021
New Middle East and North Africa Coalition to Combat Digital Surveillance
Post header image: Helpline hits 10,000 cases

Strengthening civil society’s defenses: Digital Security Helpline hits 10,000 cases

7 Jun 2021

The Digital Security Helpline is a lifeline that supports at-risk groups and individuals from civil society. Read “Strengthening civil society’s defenses: what Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline has learned from its first 10,000 cases.”

Press Release
Strengthening civil society’s defenses: Digital Security Helpline hits 10,000 cases
7 Jun 2021
Strengthening civil society’s defenses: Digital Security Helpline hits 10,000 cases
|Human rights problem with Google Cloud Platform in Saudi Arabia - Twitter thumbnail

سجل السعودية في مجال حقوق الإنسان يُفصح عن كل شيء: على “غوغل” وقف خطط إنشاء منطقة خدمات سحابية في المملكة

27 May 2021

وتحثّ منظمة أكساس ناو، إلى جانب 38 منظمة وفرد، شركة غوغل على التوقف فورا عن خطتها إلى أن تتمكن الشركة من أن تبيّن علنا كيف ستُخفّف من الآثار السلبية على حقوق الإنسان

Press Release
سجل السعودية في مجال حقوق الإنسان يُفصح عن كل شيء: على “غوغل” وقف خطط إنشاء منطقة خدمات سحابية في المملكة
27 May 2021
سجل السعودية في مجال حقوق الإنسان يُفصح عن كل شيء: على “غوغل” وقف خطط إنشاء منطقة خدمات سحابية في المملكة
Spy firm for sale graphic

What spy firm Cellebrite can’t hide from investors

26 May 2021

Cellebrite could soon get a greenlight to go public, rewarding its facilitation of human rights abuses across the globe with more power and money. We map these abuses, show how Cellebrite’s human rights compliance has failed, and urge investors to require the company to improve its compliance or lose the deal.

What spy firm Cellebrite can’t hide from investors
26 May 2021
What spy firm Cellebrite can’t hide from investors