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Tag: high school students

Shutdowns right to education

Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education

21 Sep 2022

Governments cite administration of education as a rationale for internet shutdowns during exams. Here’s why shutdowns are never compatible with the right to education.

Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education
21 Sep 2022
Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education

Internet shutdowns in Algeria and Sudan: damaging practices during exceptional circumstances

5 Oct 2020

Shutting down the internet to prevent cheating on exams is not efficient or effective. Rather, shutdowns hurt human rights, disrupt public affairs, and cause huge financial losses that compound the longer the shutdown lasts.

Internet shutdowns in Algeria and Sudan: damaging practices during exceptional circumstances
5 Oct 2020
Internet shutdowns in Algeria and Sudan: damaging practices during exceptional circumstances