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Tag: Guide

Guide: How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)

How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)

26 Apr 2023

If you are in the EU, here are the simple three steps to opt out from TikTok’s targeted ads.

How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)
26 Apr 2023
How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)

Online safety resources for Afghanistan’s human rights defenders

17 Aug 2021
Online safety resources for Afghanistan’s human rights defenders
17 Aug 2021
Online safety resources for Afghanistan’s human rights defenders

Access Now releases “Fighting misinformation and defending free expression during COVID-19: recommendations for states”

22 Apr 2020

We have identified practical examples and promising practices to support policy makers in respecting human rights while developing measures to address disinformation and misinformation during the COVID-19 crisis.

Press Release
Access Now releases “Fighting misinformation and defending free expression during COVID-19: recommendations for states”
22 Apr 2020
Access Now releases “Fighting misinformation and defending free expression during COVID-19: recommendations for states”

Fighting misinformation and defending free expression during COVID-19: recommendations for states

21 Apr 2020
Fighting misinformation and defending free expression during COVID-19: recommendations for states
21 Apr 2020
Fighting misinformation and defending free expression during COVID-19: recommendations for states
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps

Access Now releases recommendations on privacy and data protection in the fight against COVID-19

31 Mar 2020

Our message to governments is simple: protecting digital rights also promotes public health. We aim to ensure that the rule of law, and the rights to privacy and data protection, are protected throughout this crisis and in the future.

Press Release
Access Now releases recommendations on privacy and data protection in the fight against COVID-19
31 Mar 2020
Access Now releases recommendations on privacy and data protection in the fight against COVID-19

Quel est le meilleur type d’authentification multifacteur pour moi?

4 Feb 2019

Access Now présente un guide afin de vous aider à choisir la méthode d’authentification multifacteur qui vous convient le mieux.

Quel est le meilleur type d’authentification multifacteur pour moi?
4 Feb 2019
Quel est le meilleur type d’authentification multifacteur pour moi?

Liberté, égalité, RGPD

14 Jul 2018

Grâce aux droits consacrés par cette loi, vous allez pouvoir reprendre le contrôle de vos informations et choisir la manière dont vos données sont utilisées.

Liberté, égalité, RGPD
14 Jul 2018
Liberté, égalité, RGPD

Know your rights: How to protect your data with the GDPR

2 Jul 2018

This guide provides a step-by-step explanation of each of your rights under the GDPR and simple steps for putting those rights into action.

Know your rights: How to protect your data with the GDPR
2 Jul 2018
Know your rights: How to protect your data with the GDPR

We need to talk… about SMS-based two step authentication

4 Dec 2017

Access Now explains why SMS-based two-factor authentication can be problematic for digital security.

We need to talk… about SMS-based two step authentication
4 Dec 2017
We need to talk… about SMS-based two step authentication

Decoding two-factor authentication: which solution is right for you?

14 Sep 2017

Access Now releases an infographic to help you choose which two-factor authentication method is right for you.

Decoding two-factor authentication: which solution is right for you?
14 Sep 2017
Decoding two-factor authentication: which solution is right for you?