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Tag: Grindr

LGBTQI communities: proud and secure online

21 Jun 2018

During Pride Month, we celebrate the many activists, journalists, human rights defenders, and community members who have helped to build a more equal and rights-respecting world, often at great personal sacrifice.

LGBTQI communities: proud and secure online
21 Jun 2018
LGBTQI communities: proud and secure online

In Egypt, expressing your sexuality online makes you a target for human rights abuse. That has to stop.

9 Nov 2017

Authorities in Egypt are cracking down on the LGBTQI community, including online attacks that lead to arrest and torture. We must defend their fundamental rights.

In Egypt, expressing your sexuality online makes you a target for human rights abuse. That has to stop.
9 Nov 2017
In Egypt, expressing your sexuality online makes you a target for human rights abuse. That has to stop.