Tag: government hacking

Cross-border access to data: NGO position delivered to the Council of Europe
Our comments provide guidance on how to protect human rights when developing new rules on cross-border access to electronic evidence (“e-evidence”).

Five questions for Mr. Wray
What does Wray — U.S. President Trump’s pick to succeed James Comey as head of the FBI — think of encryption, Section 702 surveillance reform, and transparency?

MLAT Reform and MLAT Bypasses
This one-pager addresses how to reform MLATs and create MLAT bypasses without sacrificing rights.

The European Commission is thinking… about government hacking
Europe is exploring ways to bypass MLATs. Any system for cross-border access to data must increase protections for fundamental rights.

WannaCry shows we need more cybersecurity defense, not offense
Attacks like WannaCry have a devastating impact on vulnerable people and communities around the world. Here’s what we can do to prevent them.

A diagnosis: Why current proposals to fix the MLAT system won’t work
A “bypass” operation for MLATs won’t save the patient (or protect human rights).

The UK Parliament shows disregard for digital rights by approving Snooper’s Charter
The UK has codified and expanded mass government surveillance, making people less free and less safe.

Open letter to the next President of the United States
Read our 10-point agenda in support of digital rights for the next President of the United States.

Access Now backs congressional action to prevent FBI hacking change

We can’t let governments hack away our human rights
Governments across the globe have gone rogue with hacking. We need to put legal limits in place to protect people, or we’ll see the damage continue to escalate.