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Tag: Google


Don’t miss RightsCon Brussels on March 29-31 2017

8 Mar 2017

It’s not too late to join us for the best RightsCon Summit to date.

Don’t miss RightsCon Brussels on March 29-31 2017
8 Mar 2017
Don’t miss RightsCon Brussels on March 29-31 2017

Ranking Digital Rights: Companies ranked on privacy and free expression respond

26 Aug 2016

Twelve out of the 16 companies in Ranking Digital Rights’ 2015 Corporate Accountability Index have now publicly responded. Here are the results.

Ranking Digital Rights: Companies ranked on privacy and free expression respond
26 Aug 2016
Ranking Digital Rights: Companies ranked on privacy and free expression respond

People in Crimea can use Gmail again

23 May 2015

Access applauds the recent decision by U.S. government agencies to modify sanctions to allow the export of vital technologies to Crimea once again.

Press Release
People in Crimea can use Gmail again
23 May 2015
People in Crimea can use Gmail again

Civil Society Groups Set the Record Straight on “Right to be Forgotten”

10 Sep 2014

On September 9, Access, together with a coalition of 10 European and international digital rights groups submitted a letter to the Google Advisory Council to set the record straight about the so-called “right to be forgotten” and to address misrepresentations of a recent European Court of Justice ruling.

Civil Society Groups Set the Record Straight on “Right to be Forgotten”
10 Sep 2014
Civil Society Groups Set the Record Straight on “Right to be Forgotten”

Civil Society Groups Set the Record Straight on “Right to be Forgotten”

9 Sep 2014

A coalition 11 European and international digital rights groups submitted a letter to the Google Advisory Council to set the record straight about the so-called “right to be forgotten” and to address misrepresentations of a recent European Court of Justice ruling.

Press Release
Civil Society Groups Set the Record Straight on “Right to be Forgotten”
9 Sep 2014
Civil Society Groups Set the Record Straight on “Right to be Forgotten”

Three things you should know about the Google Spain case

10 Jul 2014

On May 13th, the European Court of Justice ruled on the case between the Spanish citizen, Mario Costeja González and Google Spain, regarding the Spanish Data Protection Authority requests for the search engine to withdraw personal data relating to Mr Costeja González from its index and to prevent access to the data in the future.

Three things you should know about the Google Spain case
10 Jul 2014
Three things you should know about the Google Spain case

Google to enable end-to-end encryption for user emails

3 Jun 2014

Google has just announced two big steps forward for enhancing user security: it will provide key statistics on internet-wide email security in its next transparency report, and the company is working to enable end-to-end encryption standards (using PGP) on Gmail to protect users from unauthorized access.

Google to enable end-to-end encryption for user emails
3 Jun 2014
Google to enable end-to-end encryption for user emails

Mitigating the CJEU’s dangerous precedent

14 May 2014

Yesterday, in a sweeping and dangerous judgement the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Google should de-index a lawfully published newspaper article about a Spanish citizen. Access believes the Court erred in increasing liability for intermediaries online, unnecessarily and wrongly pitting privacy against access to information, with an unfavorable result.

Mitigating the CJEU’s dangerous precedent
14 May 2014
Mitigating the CJEU’s dangerous precedent

Access welcomes internet companies announcement in fight for surveillance reform

9 Dec 2013

This morning eight major internet companies — AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter, and Yahoo! — issued a broad and powerful call for surveillance reform. The joint statement represents the strongest stance yet by U.S. internet companies on government surveillance and has the potential to shift the debate in Washington.

Access welcomes internet companies announcement in fight for surveillance reform
9 Dec 2013
Access welcomes internet companies announcement in fight for surveillance reform

NSA hacks internet company data centers

1 Nov 2013

The NSA is eavesdropping on the private cables running between the Google and Yahoo data centers where all user data is held. Under a program codenamed MUSCULAR the NSA is going right in, without permission from the companies or the courts.

NSA hacks internet company data centers
1 Nov 2013
NSA hacks internet company data centers