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Tag: Google

What Big Tech and Big Tobacco research funding have in common

11 Dec 2020
What Big Tech and Big Tobacco research funding have in common
11 Dec 2020
What Big Tech and Big Tobacco research funding have in common

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

10 Dec 2020

On Human Rights Day of 2020, we highlight the mandate of E. Tendayi Achiume, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to fight systematic racism.

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge
10 Dec 2020
Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection

20 Nov 2020

As the European Union finalises new digital-era laws, its legacy of world-leading privacy and data protection is at stake. The European Commission will kick off the introduction of landmark legislative proposals that have implications for the future of the General Data Protection Regulation and the rights this flagship law protects.

New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection
20 Nov 2020
New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection
European Ombudsman surveillance

Op-ed: The fundamental rights concerns at the heart of new EU online content rules

19 Nov 2020

In 2019, the European Commission announced the Digital Services Act “landmark package” as a part of the European Digital Strategy. It presents a unique chance to create systemic and harmonized regulation of gatekeeper platforms. Why then is the Commission undermining its own efforts?

Op-ed: The fundamental rights concerns at the heart of new EU online content rules
19 Nov 2020
Op-ed: The fundamental rights concerns at the heart of new EU online content rules

What you need to know about surveillance capitalism

31 Aug 2020
What you need to know about surveillance capitalism
31 Aug 2020
What you need to know about surveillance capitalism

EU Antitrust Regulator Plots Full-Scale Probe Of Google’s Fitbit Takeover

9 Jul 2020
EU Antitrust Regulator Plots Full-Scale Probe Of Google’s Fitbit Takeover
9 Jul 2020
EU Antitrust Regulator Plots Full-Scale Probe Of Google’s Fitbit Takeover
|Image: surveillance cameras on the street.

China’s Great Firewall of Censorship Is Already Going Up Around Hong Kong

8 Jul 2020
China’s Great Firewall of Censorship Is Already Going Up Around Hong Kong
8 Jul 2020
China’s Great Firewall of Censorship Is Already Going Up Around Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s Security Law Puts Big Tech at a Crossroads

8 Jul 2020
Hong Kong’s Security Law Puts Big Tech at a Crossroads
8 Jul 2020
Hong Kong’s Security Law Puts Big Tech at a Crossroads

U.S., EU Advocacy Groups Warn Against Google’s Purchase of Fitbit

2 Jul 2020
U.S., EU Advocacy Groups Warn Against Google’s Purchase of Fitbit
2 Jul 2020
U.S., EU Advocacy Groups Warn Against Google’s Purchase of Fitbit

Viel Kritik an Fitbit-Übernahme durch Google

2 Jul 2020
Viel Kritik an Fitbit-Übernahme durch Google
2 Jul 2020
Viel Kritik an Fitbit-Übernahme durch Google