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Tag: Google


Why are Google and Apple still silent on Russian censorship?

1 Nov 2021
Why are Google and Apple still silent on Russian censorship?
1 Nov 2021
Why are Google and Apple still silent on Russian censorship?

Googlers Protest Removal of Russian App as Bend to Government

21 Sep 2021
Googlers Protest Removal of Russian App as Bend to Government
21 Sep 2021
Googlers Protest Removal of Russian App as Bend to Government
KeepItOn Elections shutdown handbook header image

En Russie, la censure d’une application de l’opposition « marque un nouveau chapitre » dans le combat entre autorités et géants du Net

21 Sep 2021
En Russie, la censure d’une application de l’opposition « marque un nouveau chapitre » dans le combat entre autorités et géants du Net
21 Sep 2021
En Russie, la censure d’une application de l’opposition « marque un nouveau chapitre » dans le combat entre autorités et géants du Net
KeepItOn Elections shutdown handbook header image

Not good enough: Apple, Google bow to government pressure, censor content during Russian elections

21 Sep 2021

The Russian elections were held on the weekend, and authorities — with the complicity of Big Tech — censored the population.

Press Release
Not good enough: Apple, Google bow to government pressure, censor content during Russian elections
21 Sep 2021
Not good enough: Apple, Google bow to government pressure, censor content during Russian elections
Sierra Leone

“تطبيق نافالني”: آبل وغوغل تستسلمان لموسكو…كيف؟

19 Sep 2021
“تطبيق نافالني”: آبل وغوغل تستسلمان لموسكو…كيف؟
19 Sep 2021
“تطبيق نافالني”: آبل وغوغل تستسلمان لموسكو…كيف؟
We urge Kazakhstan's government to reject a plan to require tech platform “localization” as it would open the door to censorship.

“سيطرة آبل وغوغل على الانترنت الجوالة تجعلهما هدفًا للرقابة “

18 Sep 2021
“سيطرة آبل وغوغل على الانترنت الجوالة تجعلهما هدفًا للرقابة “
18 Sep 2021
“سيطرة آبل وغوغل على الانترنت الجوالة تجعلهما هدفًا للرقابة “
We urge Kazakhstan's government to reject a plan to require tech platform “localization” as it would open the door to censorship.

Critics warn of Apple, Google ‘chokepoint’ repression

18 Sep 2021
Critics warn of Apple, Google ‘chokepoint’ repression
18 Sep 2021
Critics warn of Apple, Google ‘chokepoint’ repression
internet shutdown #KeepItOn

Opinion: Apple and Google are showing Putin just how much he can get away with

18 Sep 2021
Opinion: Apple and Google are showing Putin just how much he can get away with
18 Sep 2021
Opinion: Apple and Google are showing Putin just how much he can get away with
Post header image: Keep the internet on during 2021 Cuban Protest

Google and Apple, Under Pressure From Russia, Remove Voting App

17 Sep 2021
Google and Apple, Under Pressure From Russia, Remove Voting App
17 Sep 2021
Google and Apple, Under Pressure From Russia, Remove Voting App
Kazakhstan internet

Russia votes: Big Tech must keep the internet open and secure during elections

14 Sep 2021

As Russia votes, the #KeepItOn coalition is demanding Big Tech stands up for human rights, and resists government orders to censor the internet.

Press Release
Russia votes: Big Tech must keep the internet open and secure during elections
14 Sep 2021
Russia votes: Big Tech must keep the internet open and secure during elections