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Tag: global


Civil society warns of ‘critical gaps’ in UN’s draft cybercrime treaty

13 Feb 2024
Civil society warns of ‘critical gaps’ in UN’s draft cybercrime treaty
Voice of America ↗
13 Feb 2024
Civil society warns of ‘critical gaps’ in UN’s draft cybercrime treaty
Azerbaijan elections internet elections

I blackout di internet minacciano le elezioni 2024

10 Feb 2024
I blackout di internet minacciano le elezioni 2024
10 Feb 2024
I blackout di internet minacciano le elezioni 2024
Hacking Meduza: Pegasus spyware used to target Putin’s critic

Visa restrictions on the way for commercial spyware vendors

6 Feb 2024
Visa restrictions on the way for commercial spyware vendors
Forbes ↗
6 Feb 2024
Visa restrictions on the way for commercial spyware vendors
Apple threat notifications

On eve of final negotiations, US says consensus growing around ‘narrow’ UN cybercrime treaty

23 Jan 2024
On eve of final negotiations, US says consensus growing around ‘narrow’ UN cybercrime treaty
The Record ↗
23 Jan 2024
On eve of final negotiations, US says consensus growing around ‘narrow’ UN cybercrime treaty
Press under Attack – Digital Strategies to Intimidate Journalists in Latin America

In video from Gaza, former CEO of Pegasus spyware firm announces millions for new vent

18 Jan 2024
In video from Gaza, former CEO of Pegasus spyware firm announces millions for new vent
The Intercept ↗
18 Jan 2024
In video from Gaza, former CEO of Pegasus spyware firm announces millions for new vent
Cambodia July 23 Elections

Are social media platforms ready for record elections in 2024?

11 Jan 2024
Are social media platforms ready for record elections in 2024?
Reuters ↗
11 Jan 2024
Are social media platforms ready for record elections in 2024?
Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Government internet shutdowns bring huge economic costs

4 Jan 2024
Government internet shutdowns bring huge economic costs
Forbes ↗
4 Jan 2024
Government internet shutdowns bring huge economic costs
Algorithmic accountability

Artificial intelligence: four debates to expect in 2024

31 Dec 2023
Artificial intelligence: four debates to expect in 2024
Deutsche Welle ↗
31 Dec 2023
Artificial intelligence: four debates to expect in 2024

This year in privacy: wins and losses around the world

18 Dec 2023
This year in privacy: wins and losses around the world
Reuters ↗
18 Dec 2023
This year in privacy: wins and losses around the world
Human Rights 75 Pledges

Human Rights 75 pledges and vision on the future of human rights

8 Dec 2023

Access Now welcomes this opportunity to provide relevant information to the United Nations (UN) Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to inform the High Commissioner’s Vision on the Future of Human Rights in the framework of the Human Rights 75 Initiative.

Press Release
Human Rights 75 pledges and vision on the future of human rights
8 Dec 2023
Human Rights 75 pledges and vision on the future of human rights