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Tag: gender

Más allá de Pegasus: políticas públicas contra periodistas y sociedad civil en El Salvador

Unsafe anywhere: attacked by Pegasus, women activists speak out

17 Jan 2022

Front Line Defenders and Access Now’s new report, “Unsafe anywhere: women human rights defenders speak out about Pegasus attacks,” unpacks the first-hand experiences of women navigating an increasingly hostile and dangerous environment.

Press Release
Unsafe anywhere: attacked by Pegasus, women activists speak out
17 Jan 2022
Unsafe anywhere: attacked by Pegasus, women activists speak out
Más allá de Pegasus: políticas públicas contra periodistas y sociedad civil en El Salvador

Unsafe anywhere: women human rights defenders speak out about Pegasus attacks

17 Jan 2022

Access Now and Front Line Defenders reveal the hacking of two women human rights defenders from Bahrain and Jordan using Pegasus spyware.

Unsafe anywhere: women human rights defenders speak out about Pegasus attacks
17 Jan 2022
Unsafe anywhere: women human rights defenders speak out about Pegasus attacks

Spotify, no nos espíes: la coalición global de más de 170 músicos y grupos de derechos humanos toma una posición

19 May 2021

Access Now, Fight for the Future, Union of Musicians and Allied Workers, y una coalición de músicos y organizaciones de derechos humanos de todo el mundo enviaron una carta a Spotify pidiendo a la empresa que se comprometa públicamente a nunca utilizar, licenciar, vender o monetizar su nueva patente de tecnología de reconocimiento de voz.

Press Release
Spotify, no nos espíes: la coalición global de más de 170 músicos y grupos de derechos humanos toma una posición
19 May 2021
Spotify, no nos espíes: la coalición global de más de 170 músicos y grupos de derechos humanos toma una posición

Spotify, don’t spy: global coalition of 180+ musicians and human rights groups take a stand against speech-recognition technology

19 May 2021

Access Now, Fight for the Future, Union of Musicians and Allied Workers, and a global coalition of musicians and human rights organizations call on Spotify to never use, license, sell, or monetize its new speech-recognition patent technology.

Press Release
Spotify, don’t spy: global coalition of 180+ musicians and human rights groups take a stand against speech-recognition technology
19 May 2021
Spotify, don’t spy: global coalition of 180+ musicians and human rights groups take a stand against speech-recognition technology

منظمات حقوقية تطالب السلطات المصرية بوقف محاكمات صانعات محتوى تيك توك وضمان حرية التعبير

18 May 2021

تدين المنظمات الحقوقية الموقعة أدناه استمرار السلطات المصرية في استجواب ومحاكمة صانعات المحتوى بتطبيقي تيك توك ولايكي، وتطالبها بوقف هذه المحاكمات وإخلاء سبيل هؤلاء المتهمين وإغلاق هذه القضايا.

Press Release
منظمات حقوقية تطالب السلطات المصرية بوقف محاكمات صانعات محتوى تيك توك وضمان حرية التعبير
18 May 2021
منظمات حقوقية تطالب السلطات المصرية بوقف محاكمات صانعات محتوى تيك توك وضمان حرية التعبير

Q&A: What’s the point of automated gender recognition software?

13 May 2021
Q&A: What’s the point of automated gender recognition software?
13 May 2021
Q&A: What’s the point of automated gender recognition software?
ITFlows artificial intelligence

EU urged to ban ‘discriminatory’ AI tools that detect gender or sexuality

16 Apr 2021
EU urged to ban ‘discriminatory’ AI tools that detect gender or sexuality
16 Apr 2021
EU urged to ban ‘discriminatory’ AI tools that detect gender or sexuality

La Unión Europea prohibiría el uso de la inteligencia artificial en la vigilancia masiva y las puntuaciones de crédito social

15 Apr 2021
La Unión Europea prohibiría el uso de la inteligencia artificial en la vigilancia masiva y las puntuaciones de crédito social
15 Apr 2021
La Unión Europea prohibiría el uso de la inteligencia artificial en la vigilancia masiva y las puntuaciones de crédito social

Automatic gender recognition tech is dangerous, say campaigners: it’s time to ban it

14 Apr 2021
Automatic gender recognition tech is dangerous, say campaigners: it’s time to ban it
14 Apr 2021
Automatic gender recognition tech is dangerous, say campaigners: it’s time to ban it
Ban automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation

Artificial intelligence could “lead to serious harm” for LGBTQ+ community

12 Apr 2021
Artificial intelligence could “lead to serious harm” for LGBTQ+ community
12 Apr 2021
Artificial intelligence could “lead to serious harm” for LGBTQ+ community