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MPs slam UK data regulator for failing to protect people’s rights

21 Aug 2020
MPs slam UK data regulator for failing to protect people’s rights
21 Aug 2020
MPs slam UK data regulator for failing to protect people’s rights
|Image: surveillance cameras on the street.

Student Proctoring Software Gets First Test Under EU Privacy Law

29 Jul 2020
Student Proctoring Software Gets First Test Under EU Privacy Law
29 Jul 2020
Student Proctoring Software Gets First Test Under EU Privacy Law

US-EU data sharing deal Privacy Shield struck down by European court

16 Jul 2020
US-EU data sharing deal Privacy Shield struck down by European court
16 Jul 2020
US-EU data sharing deal Privacy Shield struck down by European court

US-EU Privacy Shield data-sharing pact invalidated over surveillance fears

16 Jul 2020
US-EU Privacy Shield data-sharing pact invalidated over surveillance fears
16 Jul 2020
US-EU Privacy Shield data-sharing pact invalidated over surveillance fears

Access Now to EU Commission: Strike down the toothless Privacy Shield

9 Jul 2020

Update: The Court of Justice of the European Union will deliver its judgement on the “Schrems II” case. While the case deals with larger EU-US data transfer questions, it could lead to the invalidation of the Privacy Shield.

Press Release
Access Now to EU Commission: Strike down the toothless Privacy Shield
9 Jul 2020
Access Now to EU Commission: Strike down the toothless Privacy Shield

COVID-19 & the right to protest: pressing issues at the 44th Human Rights Council

30 Jun 2020

As the 44th session of the Human Rights Council kicks off amid a pandemic and mass protests, we’re closely monitoring action on the issues impacting digital rights globally.

COVID-19 & the right to protest: pressing issues at the 44th Human Rights Council
30 Jun 2020
COVID-19 & the right to protest: pressing issues at the 44th Human Rights Council

Umělá inteligence může pomoci při pátrání po zločincích. Kritici však varují před rizikem zneužití

25 Jun 2020
Umělá inteligence může pomoci při pátrání po zločincích. Kritici však varují před rizikem zneužití
25 Jun 2020
Umělá inteligence může pomoci při pátrání po zločincích. Kritici však varují před rizikem zneužití

Access Now welcomes European Commission’s call for stronger enforcement of the GDPR

24 Jun 2020

On June 24, the European Commission presented its report on the application of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Press Release
Access Now welcomes European Commission’s call for stronger enforcement of the GDPR
24 Jun 2020
Access Now welcomes European Commission’s call for stronger enforcement of the GDPR

LEAK: Kommission drängt Großbritannien auf “hohen Grad an Übereinstimmung” bei DSGVO-Überprüfung

23 Jun 2020
LEAK: Kommission drängt Großbritannien auf “hohen Grad an Übereinstimmung” bei DSGVO-Überprüfung
23 Jun 2020
LEAK: Kommission drängt Großbritannien auf “hohen Grad an Übereinstimmung” bei DSGVO-Überprüfung

LEAK: Commission pushes UK for ‘high degree of convergence’ in GDPR review

23 Jun 2020
LEAK: Commission pushes UK for ‘high degree of convergence’ in GDPR review
23 Jun 2020
LEAK: Commission pushes UK for ‘high degree of convergence’ in GDPR review