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The EU must hold VLOPs accountable

DSA: European Commission delivers on the first step toward systemic rules for online platforms

15 Dec 2020

Today, the European Commission launched a legislative reform that holds the promise of systemic regulation of large online platforms, consisting of the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act. Access Now’s initial assessment focuses on the DSA, and highlights key issues that will affect human rights in the EU and beyond.

Press Release
DSA: European Commission delivers on the first step toward systemic rules for online platforms
15 Dec 2020
DSA: European Commission delivers on the first step toward systemic rules for online platforms

The fight continues this Human Rights Day: Access Now event highlights

9 Dec 2020

December 10 is World Human Rights Day 2020. Under the theme “Recover Better — Stand Up for Human Rights”, organizations and individuals across the globe are coming together to advance — and innovate — the fight for human rights in the digital era. See Access Now’s recommended events:

Press Release
The fight continues this Human Rights Day: Access Now event highlights
9 Dec 2020
The fight continues this Human Rights Day: Access Now event highlights

Governo inaugura site institucional da ANPD

7 Dec 2020
Governo inaugura site institucional da ANPD
7 Dec 2020
Governo inaugura site institucional da ANPD

Brüssel will digitale Datensouveränität stärken

26 Nov 2020
Brüssel will digitale Datensouveränität stärken
26 Nov 2020
Brüssel will digitale Datensouveränität stärken
European Ombudsman surveillance

EU-Kommission will “vertrauensvollen Datenaltruismus” fördern

25 Nov 2020
EU-Kommission will “vertrauensvollen Datenaltruismus” fördern
25 Nov 2020
EU-Kommission will “vertrauensvollen Datenaltruismus” fördern
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

EU möchte europäische Datenräume schaffen

25 Nov 2020
EU möchte europäische Datenräume schaffen
25 Nov 2020
EU möchte europäische Datenräume schaffen

Sorveglianza, Europa sotto accusa: “Così rafforza i regimi e indebolisce i diritti umani”

23 Nov 2020
Sorveglianza, Europa sotto accusa: “Così rafforza i regimi e indebolisce i diritti umani”
23 Nov 2020
Sorveglianza, Europa sotto accusa: “Così rafforza i regimi e indebolisce i diritti umani”
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection

20 Nov 2020

As the European Union finalises new digital-era laws, its legacy of world-leading privacy and data protection is at stake. The European Commission will kick off the introduction of landmark legislative proposals that have implications for the future of the General Data Protection Regulation and the rights this flagship law protects.

New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection
20 Nov 2020
New EU laws could erase its legacy of world-leading data protection
The EU must hold VLOPs accountable

How the Digital Services Act could hack Big Tech’s human rights problem

15 Oct 2020

Tech companies are exercising enormous power without taking sufficient responsibility to safeguard our rights, leaving us prey to abuse. The Digital Services Act is a chance for the EU to establish clear responsibilities for private actors and hold them to account, while ensuring our rights are protected.

How the Digital Services Act could hack Big Tech’s human rights problem
15 Oct 2020
How the Digital Services Act could hack Big Tech’s human rights problem

Digital Privacy Protection Requires Holistic Approach

2 Sep 2020
Digital Privacy Protection Requires Holistic Approach
2 Sep 2020
Digital Privacy Protection Requires Holistic Approach