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Tag: FTC

Personal data protection and privacy

Put privacy first: new FTC surveillance and data security rules must protect people

22 Nov 2022

Access Now calls on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to protect people from harmful data practices and surveillance.

Press Release
Put privacy first: new FTC surveillance and data security rules must protect people
22 Nov 2022
Put privacy first: new FTC surveillance and data security rules must protect people
data privacy

Thousands call on U.S. FTC to make privacy and civil rights rule on data protection

11 Aug 2022

Access Now and partners call on the FTC to initiate a privacy and civil rights rulemaking, now that the agency has the votes with Bedoya’s confirmation.

Press Release
Thousands call on U.S. FTC to make privacy and civil rights rule on data protection
11 Aug 2022
Thousands call on U.S. FTC to make privacy and civil rights rule on data protection

Can Biden build the internet back better?

20 Jan 2022

One year after Joe Biden became President of the United States, has he made progress on digital rights? It’s a mixed bag.

Can Biden build the internet back better?
20 Jan 2022
Can Biden build the internet back better?
Personal data protection and privacy

Tell U.S. FTC: Time to shut down Big Tech’s business model

3 Nov 2021

Big Tech’s extractive, manipulative business model violates our privacy, fuels discrimination, and puts people’s lives at risk. It’s time for the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to step in and shut it down with strong data protection rules. Sign the petition today!

Tell U.S. FTC: Time to shut down Big Tech’s business model
3 Nov 2021
Tell U.S. FTC: Time to shut down Big Tech’s business model
data privacy

U.S. FTC needs rulemaking to protect privacy and civil rights

27 Oct 2021

Access Now is calling on the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to initiate a rulemaking proceeding to protect privacy and civil rights.

Press Release
U.S. FTC needs rulemaking to protect privacy and civil rights
27 Oct 2021
U.S. FTC needs rulemaking to protect privacy and civil rights

Another whistleblower shows Facebook needs regulation

22 Oct 2021

A second Facebook whistleblower came forward with allegations that the company prioritizes profits over people. Enough is enough. Facebook needs to be regulated.

Press Release
Another whistleblower shows Facebook needs regulation
22 Oct 2021
Another whistleblower shows Facebook needs regulation

U.S. FTC report proves ISPs as bad as Facebook on privacy

21 Oct 2021

The U.S. FTC released a damning report that proves internet service providers’ data harvesting practices are just as harmful as large advertising platforms like Facebook.

Press Release
U.S. FTC report proves ISPs as bad as Facebook on privacy
21 Oct 2021
U.S. FTC report proves ISPs as bad as Facebook on privacy

Advocates to U.S. Congress: Fund FTC to combat data abuse

23 Sep 2021

Access Now joined a coalition of civil society organizations in calling on the U.S. Congress to increase the Federal Trade Commission’s funding to combat data abuse.

Press Release
Advocates to U.S. Congress: Fund FTC to combat data abuse
23 Sep 2021
Advocates to U.S. Congress: Fund FTC to combat data abuse

Civil society to U.S. FTC: fight for civil rights and privacy

4 Aug 2021

Access Now and civil society partners call on the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to take a stand against exploitation and discrimination online.

Press Release
Civil society to U.S. FTC: fight for civil rights and privacy
4 Aug 2021
Civil society to U.S. FTC: fight for civil rights and privacy

The time is now for the U.S. FTC to combat dark patterns

1 Jun 2021

Access Now filed comments to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission that examine the variety of dark patterns and their real-life harms, and call on the FTC to take action against them.

Press Release
The time is now for the U.S. FTC to combat dark patterns
1 Jun 2021
The time is now for the U.S. FTC to combat dark patterns