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Tag: Five Eyes

Australian digital rights organizations defend encryption

4 Oct 2019

Access Now and Digital Rights Watch call on Facebook to resist “Five Eyes” government over-reach and breach of basic human rights and ensure their users private communications and the best possible security online.

Press Release
Australian digital rights organizations defend encryption
4 Oct 2019
Australian digital rights organizations defend encryption

“Five Eyes” governments respond to coalition demands to stop undermining encryption

18 Oct 2017

Here’s a status update on the Five Eyes governments’ positions on encryption.

“Five Eyes” governments respond to coalition demands to stop undermining encryption
18 Oct 2017
“Five Eyes” governments respond to coalition demands to stop undermining encryption

In cyber engagement strategy, Australia overlooks its own threats to user rights

17 Oct 2017

Our letter to the Australian Ambassador for Cyber Affairs points out that the government’s own current actions, including government hacking and threats to encryption, run counter to its commitments in the document.

In cyber engagement strategy, Australia overlooks its own threats to user rights
17 Oct 2017
In cyber engagement strategy, Australia overlooks its own threats to user rights

First take on Section 702 surveillance reform: progress on human rights, but more is needed

5 Oct 2017

We welcome the effort to reform U.S. surveillance, while urging Congress to strengthen the draft to better protect human rights.

First take on Section 702 surveillance reform: progress on human rights, but more is needed
5 Oct 2017
First take on Section 702 surveillance reform: progress on human rights, but more is needed

Attorney General George Brandis declared “Villain” by Access Now for comments undermining encryption

4 Oct 2017

Working to undermine encryption is an attack on human rights.

Press Release
Attorney General George Brandis declared “Villain” by Access Now for comments undermining encryption
4 Oct 2017
Attorney General George Brandis declared “Villain” by Access Now for comments undermining encryption

Closing the backdoor to Australia

27 Sep 2017

No government should make it any easier to breach encrypted systems.

Closing the backdoor to Australia
27 Sep 2017
Closing the backdoor to Australia

Global coalition from five nations demands “Five Eyes” respect encryption

30 Jun 2017

A five-nation coalition of NGOs and security experts is warning the “Five Eyes” against colluding to mandate “backdoors” in the technology and systems we rely on to keep us safe.

Press Release
Global coalition from five nations demands “Five Eyes” respect encryption
30 Jun 2017
Global coalition from five nations demands “Five Eyes” respect encryption

Don’t Let the “Five Eyes” Break Encryption

26 Jun 2017

Officials from some of the world’s most powerful governments are meeting in Canada this week to discuss proposals that would undermine cybersecurity while increasing surveillance and censorship. Stand together with 300+ global experts to protect strong encryption by tweeting the open letter to each of the Five Eyes governments.

Don’t Let the “Five Eyes” Break Encryption
26 Jun 2017
Don’t Let the “Five Eyes” Break Encryption

Access Now urges officials not to abandon human rights at secretive “Five Eyes” meeting

23 Jun 2017

The secretive meeting may undermine encryption and human rights in the name of all-powerful surveillance.

Press Release
Access Now urges officials not to abandon human rights at secretive “Five Eyes” meeting
23 Jun 2017
Access Now urges officials not to abandon human rights at secretive “Five Eyes” meeting